Sifu Ho Fatt Nam

Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, the third gerenation from Quanzhou

Question 1

I would like to know how are you. We can communicate again to treat about the importance of uniting traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

— Dr Carmen, Argentina


My wife and I, my children and grandchildren are getting on very well. We have not been sick since as long as I remember -- probably more than 50 years ago. We wish you the best of health and happiness.

You can ask me any questions -- probably the concepts of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Question 2

My warmest and respectful greetings to you.

— Priya, Netherlands


My wife, I, my children and my grandchildren are very well. Practicing chi kung is wonderful. It is one of the best things anyone can do. I can't remember when I was last sick; it must be more than 50 years ago.

I hope you will pose questions in our discussion forum. If every instructor poses a question, we can have more than 60 questions. This can make our discussion forum very lively.

Question 3

Have you sparred with Sigung Ho Fatt Nam? How did he spar?

— Bala, India


My third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, sparred elegantly. Indeed, he did everything elegantly.

I remember once he poked his finger into my stomach. He didn't notice it, but it caused me a lot of pain.

Ladies Class

Ladies Class, Shaolin Wahnam Sabah, Malaysia

Question 4

May I ask for your advice regarding Fierce Tiger Cleanses Claws?

— Sifu Roeland Dijkema, Shaolin Wahnam Netherlands


"Fierce Tiger Cleanses Claws" should be trained in a "hard" way.

When pulling the tiger-claws down, we should tense the muscles so that the moving energy will be transformed into internal force.

I shall show you when we meet.

Question 5

Will you offer another Small/Big Universe course next year?

I would love to be allowed to attend a course, as your courses are among the best things that have happened in my life, and in previous lives as well!


The "Small/Big Universe Course" will be offered next year or in 2024, but I don't know when I can offer it. You have to check my website which can be accessed at

It is great to attend the course as my courses are among the best things that have happened in your life and in previous lives. "Practising chi kung is one of the best things that can happen to anybody" so says a proverb.

Foong Tuck Meng, onwer of Holistic Health Cultivation Centre

Question 6

Today I met a gentleman, a lawyer and notary public. His name is Mr Lee. He told me he got back pain.

I suspect he got kidney problems. I asked him to learn chi kung.

He said many years ago he learnt chi kung and kung fu from a master by the name of Master Wong. He was very healthy then, but he stopped his practice.

He requests for one trial lesson before he signs up. HHCC normally does not give a trial lesson. So I have told him I have to consult Grandmaster Wong about his request.

— Sifu Foong Tuck Meng, Holistic Health Cultivation Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Mr Lee was an old student. He stopped practicing chi kung. If he continues he would not have back pain or kidney problems. Chi kung must be continuously practiced.

It is OK to give him just one trial lesson. Just teach him "Lifting the Sky".

Nourish Kidneys

"Nourish Kidneys"

Question 7

I think Nourishing Kidneys is very good exercise for his case. I will also teach him Carrying the Moon, Drumming Kidneys and Bear Walk.


"Nourishing Kidneys", "Carrying the Moon", "Drumming Kidneys" and "Bear Walk" are very good exercises. You have to revise "Lifting the Sky" for him.

In fact, "Lifting the Sky" is the main exercise. If he just practices "Lifting the Sky", he can get well.

"Chi flow" is vital. You must make sure he "enters into a chi kung state of mind", and have a "chi flow".

Question 8

His wife seems to be a little sceptical about Chi Kung


But chi kung is very important, as it deals with the psychological and physical aspect of life. Life is a flow of "chi". When there is life, there is "chi".

You have to convince her and win her to chi kung.

At present there are many so-called "incurable" diseases. You are an expert in overcoming them.



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