Mechanics of Exploding Force from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

We had two YouTube accounts for our videos under the names of "Shaolin Wahnam" and "Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit". We apoligize that all our videos under the "Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit" account are now unavailable. Google, which runs YouTube, informed us that this account was terminated by an administrator.

A few days earlier, we were informed that the administrator changed the password of the YouTube account. From information supplied by Google, we found out that this administrator was a former chief instructor who recently resigned from Shaolin Wahnam and denounced Grandmaster Wong as his sifu.

The videos in YouTube under the "Shaolin Wahnam" account are still showing, but we cannot upload new videos onto it because both the "Shaolin Wahnam" account and "Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit" account operated as one unit, and the "Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit" account had been terminated.

At present Sifu Eugene Siterman is working very hard to retrieve both our YouTube accounts. Meanwhile, our videos are uploaded to Vimeo. It may take some time to replace our unavailable YouTube videos at Vimeo, but we shall do so.

We have uploaded new videos to Vimeo, starting with the Shaolin Kungfu Review Course 2008 and working down the Course Reviews page. If you wish to find Shaolin Wahnam videos, please use the search box on the top right corner of a Vimeo page.

28th January 2015.


Courses and Classes