8th to 14th October 2009, Penang, Malaysia

This is an ambitious course covering the whole Shaolin Kungfu and Taijiquan syllabi of our school, paying particular attention to those topics that have not been adequately covered, like single against multiple attack and unarmed against armed attack as well the Taijiquan saber. The main aim of the course is to fill up missing gaps in the syllabi.
Instructors who have not learned the relevant sets from Grandmaster Wong, like Four Gates, Flowing Water Floating Clouds, Wudang Sword and Flowing Water Staff, will have the opportunity to do so in the course.
As the material taught in the course is very extensive, participants should familiarize themselves with it before attending the course. Herein lies the wonderful advantages of modern technology, which our past masters did not enjoy. You already know the material but attend the course to confirm it and enhance your skills. Shaolin instructors who wish to learn Taijiquan sets too, and vice versa, are welcome to do so. However, if you are unable to learn the sets in time, it is alright. You can check the videos for your practice after the course . Video clips showing the sets are given below.
New material for single against multiple attack, and unarmed against armed will be taught during the course.
This course is by invitation only and is mainly meant for instructors. The fee is 1500 euros. If you are an instructor or an instructor-appointee but have not received an invitation, you may apply to the Secretary . If you are a senior practitioner of Shaolin Wahnam, you may apply too.
Shaolin Sets
Lohan Asks the Way
Black Tiger Steals Heart
Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
Happy Bird Hops up Branch
Fell Tree with Roots
Cross-Roads at Four Gates
Ho Family Flowing Water Staff
Shaolin Plum Flower Sabre
Taijiquan Sets
White Crane Flaps Wings
White Snake Shoots Venom
Green Dragon Shoots Pear
Black Bear Sinks Hips
Carry Tiger Back to Mountain
Flowing Water Floating Clouds
Wudang Sword
Taiji Sabre
Taiji Staff

Actually the weapon prescribed in the Taijiquan syllabus is the sabre, not the staff. But since the Taiji Staff is mentioned here by mistake, it will be taught at the Advance Combined Course as a bonus.
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