Combat application Combat application Combat application
Combat application Combat application Combat application
Combat application Combat application Combat application Combat application

Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley

Answer for Combat Quiz Series 5

  1. The main objective of combat sequence training, contrary to what many students believe, is not learning combative techniques but developing combative skills. In Combat Sequences 1 to 4, the following ten basic skills are developed: right timing, right spacing, flowing movement and force, right judgment, fast decision, instantaneous change, footwork adjustment, safe coverage, flowing attack, and pressing attack Of these ten basic skills, which two are the most important?

    Right timing and right spacing.

  2. To help you progress gradually and surely, combat sequences are practiced in progressive stages, as follows: pre-choice, self-choice, end-point continuation, mid-point continuation, and end-point addition. After these, there are five more stages before free sparring, namely surprised counter, external change, internal change, mid-point addition and initial addition.
    Suppose you start an encounter with Combat Sequence 4, but just before you could continue with “Golden Star”, your sparring partner executes a “Black Tiger” after sweeping at your low punch. Following this change, you continue with Combat Sequence 5 without disengaging from the encounter.
    This encounter therefore consists of two sequences linked smoothly together, and two of the ten stages mentioned above are involved. What are these two stages?

    External change and end-point continuation.

  3. You start the next encounter with Combat Sequence 5, After striking you with “Green Dragon” to which you respond with “Single Tiger” at the end of the sequence and before you disengage from the encounter, your sparring partner moves in with “Golden Leopard” to your head. You correctly respond with “Golden Dragon”, then both of you disengage.
    He could use any other attack pattern instead of “Golden Leopard”. He could use, for example, “Black Tiger” to strike your middle level, or a phoenix-eye fist for a low attack, and you could respond accordingly. This extended encounter involves one of the ten progressive stage. What is it?

    End-point addition.

  4. If you and your sparring partners have trained the previous four combat sequences well, you will find that neither one of you can beat the other because both of you have the same level of skills and techniques. Hence, in order to beat your opponent, you have to accomplish one or both things. What are they?

    Improve your skills or/and expand your techniques.

  5. All the attacking techniques in Combat Sequence 5 are also found in the previous four sequences — middle punch, low punch and horn punch. Yet, they are different. What makes the difference?

    Right leg mode.


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