Wu Hua Pao or Five-Flower Cannon

Wu Hua Pao or Five-Flower Cannon is a fundamental sparring set of Xingyiquan. There are different versions of Wu Hua Pao.

The following version is composed by Grandmaster Wong at the Xingyiquan course from 7th to 9th April 2015 in Toronto, and demonstrated here by Sifu David and Sifu Joshua, and by Sifu Michael and Sifu Hubert, immediately after learning the set in just two days!

The Shaolin Wahnam version of Wu Hua Pao has the following features:

  1. It is comprehensive; it includes all the five elemental fists of Xingyiquan.
  2. It is complete; it includes all the four categories of attack, namely striking, kicking, felling and chin-na.
  3. It is systematic; the five elemental fists are presented in the order normally taught in Xingyiquan, namely pi-quan, zuan-quan, beng-quan, pao-quan and heng-uan.
  4. It is progressive; the first sequence shows basic techniques, and the second sequence show advanced ones.
  5. It has depth; some of the counters are very sophisticated, but still maintaining the simplicity of Xingyiquan.

Please click the topics below to view the videos

  1. Wu Hua Pao between Sifu David and Sifu Joshua
  2. Wu Hua Pao between Sifu Michael and Sifu Hubert



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