In kungfu there are no attacks where there are no counters. How would you counter an arm grip cum elbow press like the one shown above?
In kungfu there are no attacks where there are no counters. No matter how formidable an attack is, and irrespective of whether it is a strike, a kick, a felling attack or a lock, there is at least one, but usually many counters.
How would you, for example, defend against a strike and a kick coming at you at the same time? What would you do if your hands are immobilized, you cannot move back as you are being held, and a chopping attack is coming at your head? Or how would you escape if your opponent grips your arm and simultaneously press hard on your elbow to dislocate it? You will learn these formidable attacks and their beautiful counters in this video series.
But is it possible to execute these attacks which may place many opponents in a hopeless situation? Yes, if you know the techniques and are willing to train hard, you have a good chance of defeating your opponents with these techniques. What is even more impressive is that you may defeat them as soon as they make a move.
Surprising it may be, these are not even advanced techniques. They are found in the Eight Simplified Combat Sequences taught at regional courses at our elementary level. However applying these techniques well require considerably skills.

How would you defend against a kick at your groin. Very simple. Take a step back, and simultaneously strike the kicking leg with a sweeping hand using the Shaolin pattern “False Leg Hand Sweep”. In real life, if you find many conditions unfavorable to you, take a step back.

How would you release a wrist grip? There are two main types of wrist grips -- "straight" grip and "cross" grip. You can use "Wave Dragon Back to Cave" to release a "straight" grip, and "Rolling Thunder Across Sky" to release a "cross" grip.

It is interesting that the release from a wrist grip appears effortless. In fact, you should not use brute strength. You should sink down at your dan tian, relax and let your chi flow as you circulate your hand. Of course, you need to be able to let you chi flow for the technique to be successful. Try it out yourself — first using brute strength, then using chi flow.

Grandmaster Wong leads the class in solo performance of Sequence 7, “Chop the Hua Mountain”, with both the initiator's mode and the responder's mode. To the uninitiated, the sequence may not mean much, yet there are many fine points in it.

If you are very skillful you can end a fight as soon as your opponent attacks. Here is an example. As soon as he strikes with a mid-body punch, which is a very common form of attack, you grip his attacking arm with one hand and pull him forward so that he loses balance, and simultaneously strike his head or collar bone with a palm chop. What would you do in this seemingly helpless situation?

The technique to end combat as soon as an opponent attacks is simple, direct and effective, as shown in this video clip. If you practice this simple, short movement 50 times a day daily for 6 months, you will be surprised how effective it is when you apply this technique when an opponent attacks you with a middle strike.

Course participants practice this simple and effective combat-ending technique. Besides the technique, spacing and timing are very important. While combat training is usually an aggressive and brutal affair elsewhere, it is heartening to note that in Shaolin Wahnam it is a mutually rewarding learning experience.

How would you defend against a chop when a hand is held? Release your hand with a circular move, and simultaneouslly strike at the wrist of the chopping hand. If you cannot kick at your opponent's groin, you can kick at his ribs with your shin.

You are caught in a seemingly helpless situation. Your opponent has unbalanced you, imbolizing your hands and preventing you from moving away. A chop is coming down your head. What would you do to escape from this seemingly hopeless situation?

In Shaolin Kungfu there are no combat situations where there are no counters. With effective footwork not only you can escape from a seemingly hopeless situation but you turn it around against your opponent, this time placing him in a seemingly hopeless situation using the Shaolin pattern “Lohan Tames Tiger”. How would you then counter the new seemingly hopeless situation?
- Training Combat Sequences to Prepare for Free Sparring
- Counters against Kicks and Throws
- Systematic and Gradual Progression to Free Sparring
- Some Formidable Attacks and their Beautiful Counters
- Gentle and Elegant, yet Forceful and Combat Effective