"Iron Wire" is a famous set in Southern Shaolin for training internal force. It is easy to practice it wrongly, hence one should learn it from a competent teacher.
The video series showing the set is meant as reference for those who are attending the Iron Wire Course at the First Shaolin Wahnam Winter Camp at Helsinki, Finland from 25th to 26th January 2010. It also gives an idea of what this well-known but seldom seen set is like. It is not meant to be self-teaching material.
The set demonstrated here is different in some aspects from that shown by the famous Hoong Ka grandmaster Lam Sai Weng. We would like to thank Keijo, who is Sifu Markus' father, for recording the videos while the set was taught at the Winter Camp.
鐵線拳 Shaolin Iron Wire Set from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
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