25th to 29th January 2010, Helsinki

Single against Multiple Armed
Grandmaster Wong demonstrating the Iron-Wire Set

The Iron-Wire Set is much valued by Grandmaster Wong, but as our Shaolin Kungfu syllabus is quite full, he does not include it as basic training. Hence he teaches it as a supplementary course for those who wish to use it to develop internal force.

The Iron-Wire Set is very powerful, so it is not feasible for course participants to practice it continuously for a long time. This gives a rare opportunity for Grandmaster Wong to teach another famous Southern Shaolin set, Taming-tiger, as a bonus.

Because of the different nature in the training of the two famous kungfu sets, more videos are shown here for the Taming-Tiger Set than for the Iron-Wire Set. Please bear in mind that the number of videos or the amount of time spent in training does not reflect the relative importance of the arts involved.

In other words, because there are more videos shown here for Taming-Tiger as well as more time was spent on Taming-Tiger during the course, it does not mean that Taming-Tiger is more important than Iron-Wire. In fact, in this case Iron-Wire being the main topic of the course is more important than Taming-Tiger, which is a bonus. As explained above, more time was spent on the bonus than on the main topic because of the different nature of their training. Had we spent more time on Iron-Wire, some participants might have burnt themselves out. Here is an example of “less is more”.

There are a few reasons why we consider Iron-Wire to be more important than Taming-Tiger. One reason is that if you are good at Iron-Wire, you will be good at Taming-Tiger, but it is not necessary so the other way. Indeed, when you are good at Iron-Wire, you will be better in any other arts you practice.

Secondly, the tremendous internal force you derive from Iron-Wire will enrich your life. You may also have this benefit practicing Taming-tiger, but the magnitude is vastly different.

So, if you have to choose between Iron-Wire and Taming-Tiger, a wiser choice is Iron-Wire. But the participants at the course have the best of both worlds.

  1. Shaolin Iron-Wire Set
  2. Shaolin Taming-Tiger Set
  3. Glimpses of Taming-Tiger Applications
  4. Combination Set of Taming-Tiger
  5. Taming-Tiger against Other Martial Arts

Please click the pictures on the right to view the videos

Shaolin Iron-Wire Set

Kungfu Weapons

Many people make the common mistake of practicing Iron-Wire as isometric exercise. It is high-level chi kung which can generate a lot of internal force.

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Shaolin Taming-Tiger Set

Kungfu Weapons

Shaolin Taming-Tiger Set performed pattern by pattern by course participants.

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Glimpses of Taming-Tiger Applications

Kungfu Weapons

While teaching the set, Grandmaster Wong gives some impromptu examples of its interesting combat applications.

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Combination Set of Taming-Tiger

Kungfu Weapons

Combination Set of Taming-Tiger demonstrated by Max of England and Jani of Finland to show some of its combat applications.

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Taming-Tiger against Other Martial Arts

Kungfu Weapons

Applications of Taming-Tiger against other martial arts demonstrated by course participants.

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We wish to thank Sifu Markus Kahila of Shaolin Wahnam Finland for organizing the course

You can also view the videos here


Discussion on the Iron-Wire and Taming-Tiger Course

Courses and Classes