9th to 15th April 2011, Penamg

Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course

The Drunken Immortals are here!

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Day 1 -- Morning

  1. Chi and Zen
  2. Horse-Riding Stance
  3. Bow-Arrow Stance
  4. False-Leg Stance
  5. Single Leg, Goat and Horse
  6. Footwork

Day 1 -- Afternoon

  1. Gliding Forward and Backword
  2. Many to Few, Big to Small
  3. Speed and Agility
  4. Moving to Different Directions
  5. Left or Right Mode
  6. Yin, Yang or Straight
  7. Front, Back or Mid-Point
  8. Clockwise or Anti-Clockwise
  9. Moving in Stances
  10. Basic Hand Horms
  11. Moving in Patterns
  12. Form-Flow-Force
  13. Single Tiger
  14. Poisonous Snake

  1. Precious Duck
  2. Hand Sweep
  3. Hang Golden Star
  4. Immortal Emerges from Cave
  5. Linking Patters to Form Sequence
  6. Lohan Asks the Way

Day 2 -- Morning

  1. Zhan Zhuang
  2. Art of Flexibility
  3. Breadth Control

Day 2 -- Afternoon

  1. Goof Spacing
  2. Good Timing
  3. Leaning, Not Blocking
  4. Threading, Not Blocking
  5. Single Tiger
  6. Hand Sweep
  7. Poise Patterns
  8. Don't Expose
  9. Moving In

Day 3 -- Morning

  1. Don't Expose
  2. Cover Yourself
  3. Fine Points
  4. Footwork
  5. Subtle Movements
  6. Changing Footwork

Day 3 -- Afternoon

  1. One-Finger Shooting Zen
  2. Double Dragon
  3. Shooting Zen on Stance
  4. Combat Sequence 1
  5. Not Opium Smoking
  6. Combat Sequence 2
  7. Free Offers
  8. Sequences 3 and 4
  9. Changing Leg

Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course

Grandmaster Wong executes a side kick at Sifu Mauro

Day 4 -- Morning

  1. Black Tiger Steals Heart
  2. Combat Sequence 5
  3. Combat Sequence 6
  4. Combat Sequence 7
  5. Combat Sequence 8
  6. Continuations
  7. Conditional Free Sparring

Day 4 Afternoon

  1. Follow Through
  2. Conditional Free Sparring
  3. Combat Sequence 9
  4. Combat Sequence 10
  5. Intercepting Pressing Attack
  6. Combat Sequence 11
  7. Combat Sequence 12
  8. The Soft Counter
  9. Fierce Tiger Speeds through Valley
  10. Happy Bird Hops up Branch
  11. Conditional Free Sparring

Day 5 -- Morning

  1. One Hand or Two
  2. Secrets of Scissor-Hands
  3. Felling Opponent
  4. Break Fall
  5. Rolling Gourd
  6. Fell Tree with Roots
  7. Combat Sequence 13
  8. Lead Horse Back to Stable
  9. Combat Sequence 14
  10. Farmer Hoes Rice Field
  11. Combat Sequence 15
  12. Combat Sequence 16
  13. Combat Sequence Set 4 -- Fell Tree

Day 5 -- Afternoon

  1. Changing Hand Forms
  2. Changing Stances
  3. Adding a Pattern
  4. Rolling Away
  5. Counters against Charging
  6. Lifting Wine Pot
  7. Turning Wine Pot
  8. Throwing Opponents Around
  9. Is it Aikido?
  10. No, it's Drunken Eight Immortals
  11. Counters against Aikido
  12. Right Spacing
  13. Counters against Spinning
  14. Counters against Turning
  15. Grips from Behind
  16. Chopping Sword
  17. Against Lifting Pot
  18. Counters against Shoots
  19. Against Boxers' Jabs
  20. Striking a Boxer
  21. Chasing a Boxer
  22. Against Uppercuts
  23. Against Hooks
  24. Felling Opponents
  25. No Chance for Boxers
  26. Against Kick-Boxing
  27. Progressive Counters
  28. Free Sparring
  29. Against Muay Thai
  30. Against Knee Jabs
  31. Against Neck Grip
  32. Felling Techniques from the Immortals

Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course

Participants enjoying free sparring


Glimpses of Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course
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