Reverse Kicking of Purple Bell

"Single Dragon Emerges from Sea" of Cosmos Palm

Question 1

Should a patient carry on with his medication if he practices chi kung learnt from you since you have said that practicing your chi kung can overcome any illness

— Yap, Malaysia


Let us have some fun with logic. Suppose a person has a problem, and three possible solutions, A, B and C. A can overcome his problem, B may overcome his problem, and C cannot overcome his problem. It is only logical that he follows Solution A.

Can he follow A and B, or all the three possible solutions, A, B and C, to make sure as some people may do. This is unwise because it may make matters complicated, and compromise the efficiency of A in overcoming his problem.

But people are often irrational. More importantly, they are often pressurised by other people, like their family members and professional groups.

There are a few important considerations before one makes a choice. He must make sure that the statements are true, i.e. A can overcome his problem, B may overcome his problem, and C cannot overcome his problem. In the case of chi kung, he must ensure that the chi kung learnt from me can overcome illness, any illness.

Not many people realise that there are many different types of chi kung of various levels of attainment. Most of these chi kung types may not be powerful enough to overcome illness. Indeed the great majority of chi kung practitioners today merely perform external chi kung forms, without getting the benefits of chi kung. This is a fact not many people may know. This is a fact one must realise when considering that chi kung can overcome illness.

At the risk of being boastful, almost 20 years ago I was awarded Qigong Master of the Year in 1997 at the Second World Qigong Congress in San Francisco mainly for my work in helping people overcome cancer. Since then I have helped literally thousands of people overcome cancer and so-called incurable diseases. Hence, when I say that chi kung (qigong) can overcome illness, I am speaking from direct experience.

Overcoming illness, any illness, by practicing chi kung learnt from me is a matter of course, but not a matter of fact. An analogy can best illustrate the difference between "as a matter of course" and "as a matter of fact".

If you drive along a highway from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, arriving at Kuala Lumpur is a matter of course. But as a matter of act, some people may not arrive, if, for example, they stop halfway, or branch off to other places.

But I shall leave it to the patients themselves to choose whether they will only practice the chi kung learnt from me to overcome their illness, or to carry on with their medication, or both. They have to make the choice themselves.

Question 2

The recommendation to train at 30% of one's potential is excellent advice and has definitely cut back on symptoms of over-training, to say nothing of bringing greater mental clarity after the practice.

— Fredrick, USA


It is actually amazing, or ridiculous, that while most dedicated students want to get the best from their practice, we tell our students not to train at their potential.

We have to do this because we have become so cost-effective that over-training is an important issue in our school. Over-training is practicing the techniques and skills of any exercise or exercises correctly, but the energy developed is too powerful for our physical body to bear.

Wrong training is not an issue in our school. Wrong training is practicing an exercise or exercises wrongly which results in harmful effects. In fact, we tell our students not to worry even when they realize they have made a mistake in their training because their subsequent chi flow will not only erase whatever harm they may have caused due to the mistake, but also the chi flow will give them a big bonus of benefit.

We may appear boastful but it is true that even when our students made some mistakes in their training due to forgetfulness or carelessness, and had chosen a worst technique to practice, they would have more benefit than other students who had chosen a best technique. This is because our students practice genuine chi kung whereas other students, even when their techniques are genuine, practice gentle physical exercise.

Mistakes here refer to mistakes due to carelessness or forgetfulness. It is not mistakes due to someone who purposely go against instructions. If a student continues to intellectualize although he has been instructed not to worry and not to intellectualize, then he is aiming for trouble. If he cannot stop intellectualizing, our chi kung is not for him. But if he intellectualizes due to carelessness or forgetfulness, it is alright.

On the other hand, purposely intellectualizing or tensing muscles, can be used as negative action to prevent over-training. The practitioner should have some chi flow at the end of the training session to clear the harm due to intellectualizing or tensing muscles.

An excellent way to prevent over-training is to perform far less than potential, like at 30%. An excellent way to do this is not to enter too deeply into a chi kung state of mind.

A practical approach is as follows. Take the normal chi kung state of mind as 100%. Practice any chi kung or kungfu exercise at half the depth of this potential chi kung state of mind, i.e. at 50%. In the next training session, practice at half of this depth, i.e. at 25%. This will give a good indication of how to practice at 30% or at whatever level of depth is suitable.

Please note that 100% chi kung state of mind of one person is different from that of another person. In other words, different people have different depth in their chi kung state of mind.

Another important point to note is that as a student in our school progresses, his benefits will also increase although he continues to practice at the same depth of his chi kung state of mind, like at 30%. In other words, a student practicing his chi kung or kungfu at 30% of his potential a year later, may have 3 times the benefits he had when he first started learning at 100%. If a year ago when he first started, he practiced at 30%, his benefits now when he still practices at 30% will be about 10 times more.

Immortal Li Steps on Clutch

"Immortal Li Steps on Clutch" of Drunken Eight Immortals Kungfu

Question 3

I tested my force by extinguishing a candle approximately 2 feet away with a palm strike, and approximately six inches away with a One Finger Zen hand-form. I caused a miniature "lucky bamboo" plant to shake its leaves and vibrate its stem from approximately one to two feet away.


Congratulation for your success in testing your internal force. I am very happy that your attending the Cosmos Palm course, and your practice of One-Finger Shooting Zen have been fruitful. The main credit is due to your dedicated training.

You demonstrated your success in the arts of Strike-Across-Space Palm and One-Finger Zen, which many people think are lost arts. We are of course very happy that they are still found in our school, though many other people may not believe it.

More significantly than for combat, these arts will give you many wonderful benefits in your daily life, like giving you good health, vitality, longevity, mental clarity, peak performance and spiritual joys. However, you or anyone taking up a challenge must not be afraid to use the arts on challengers who ridicule our school. We can help them to recover after the challenge -- if they want it and if they are still alive.

Question 4

Thank you for a very enjoyable Xingyiquan course in Canada. I am focusing on it in my training and still enjoying it.

— Paul, Ireland


The Xingyiquan course in Canada was great. Xingyiquan is suitable for you. You should choose one or two sequences I taught, or you can create one or two simple sequences yourself, and practice any one 30 times a day. You may rotate the two or more sequences on alternate days.

Follow the system I have taught about set practice, which can be applied to sequence practice. First ensure that your routine is correct. Next, ensure you form is picture-perfect. Then one sequence, then many repetitions of the same sequence in one smooth flow. Eventually, at the fourth stage, your performance will be fast and powerful.

Apply this sequence on free sparring opponents. You can start with Boxers, then with other martial artists. Apply your selected sequence on them relentlessly, but maintain safety first. Use body-work or modification to avoid their attacks on infrequent occasions when they may counter-attack you. But if you just apply your selected sequence, they will have no time or opportunity to counter-attack. They will be too preoccupied with retreating from your pressing attack.

When you are confident after beating many opponents, join free sparring competitions to win championships. You need about 6 months of daily training to accomplish your mission, from selecting your sequences to winning championships.

Xingyiquan in Toronto

Xingyiquan course in Toronto

Question 5

One Sunday morning I was lying in bed, having just woken up and was kind of drifting in and out of sleep a bit, just in the process of lazily waking up. I started to breath quite deeply and noticed on the in-breath a kind of buzzing around my head, or as if a kind of buzzing sensation was coming in to my head or trying to. When I breathed out it would ease. Then when I breathed in it would get stronger, and the more strongly I breathed in the stronger it got.

Then I got this hard-to-describe feeling that this wasn't something positive, but something negative. I even wondered if it was something trying to control me or get inside my head. Your advice of safety first came to mind and I stopped this breathing, and woke myself up properly.


You were probably cleansing off some negative thoughts you had in the past. There was also a possibility that some spirit tried to get into you.

You can carry on as follows. Say a prayer 3 times to Bodhisattva Guan Yin or any deity you believe in, to request for protection, and at the same time bless whatever spirit, if any, that tried to enter you but firmly tell it not to. Use three joss sticks or any suitable worshiping material if you have them, otherwise just say your prayers sincerely in your heart.

Then continue with your breathing practice. Progress gradually. If cleansing occurs, continue if you find it pleasant, but discontinue it if it is unpleasant. If nothing happens, don't worry or intellectualize.

Question 6

A few years before I learned from you, I had heard about how some boxers and snooker players had used hypnosis to improve their performance in their sport. I was very interested in it and bought a book on the subject, which taught self-hypnosis and meditation.

One night I put myself into a trance-like state. I started to get very relaxed, breathe very deeply and feel absolutely wonderful, an amazing state I entered into.

At one point I could kind of "feel" or "see" a creature. This creature didn't feel like something outside of me or different to me, it felt that this creature was me, the real me, and the more I breathed the more it seemed I could see more and more and feel better and better.

I felt like I wanted to carry on going deeper and deeper into this, however all of a sudden I got this feeling that if I carried on I might not be able to get "back" to the real world, and I stopped myself.

I woke up the next day and I felt even more powerful, and even more wonderful than the night before! My fear had left me, and I decided this was a positive experience. I remember this powerful feeling stayed with me for about a week or so.

The only time I almost felt anything like it was back in about 2009 or 2010 when you did a Zen course in the Law Temple in London. You taught us sitting meditation.


The creature you saw was yourself or your own manifestation. You went back in your consciousness to your previous life or lives.

It was a wise choice that you discontinued the practice. You were untrained and would not know what to do if anything harmful happened.

Your experience during the Zen course approached your experience going back to past lives in your consciousness. It was also wise that you did not continue your own self-taught experiment in going back to your past lives.. Going back into your past was not an objective in that meditation. The objective was to attain a Zen mind to enrich your present life.

Shaolin combat Sequence

An ever-winning strategy in free sparring is to apply a combat sequence relentlessly on an opponent, but taking great care of safety first

Question 7

Regarding people to spar with, there are only two martial art clubs within close distance of me. One is an MMA club, but they are really high level. The other is a Boxing club, which is also high level, and it produces champions and professionals.


The MMA martial artists are high-level if you use MMA to fight with them. If you use your Xingyiquan sequence flowingly and pressingly, they will be quite helpless.

The Boxers are high-level if you use Boxing to fight with them. If you press them with your Xingyiquan sequence, they will be quite helpless.

What should you do if your opponents attack you at the same time you press on them with your practiced sequence? Break their attack using the preliminary sequence I taught you, then press them relentlessly with your practiced sequence.

However, if you still find them formidable, spar with opponents of a lower level, or spar with imaginary opponents. You may like to know the fact that students became masters after spending a lot of time sparring with imaginary opponents.

Question 8

The Boxing club is quite rigidly run, and they don't let random people come in and spar. I would have to do the actual boxing training, and although chi kung has made great improvements to my injuries in the past year, I don't think it could stand up to the rigours of that brutal boxing training,


Don't be a fool to expose yourself to routine injuries.

Moreover, you don't have to join a Boxing club or any other martial art school to become a good fighter.

Actually joining the Boxing club which will inevitably but subconsciously make you fight like a Boxer, or joining other martial art school which will make you fight the way the students of these schools fight, which is a generous exchange of blows, will distract your ability to use our kungfu for combat -- a fact that many of our students and even some of our instructors do not realise!

Question 9

I only have one friend nearby who spars. He is a boxer. He is not as skilful as the ones in that club, but he is big, about 6ft 2ins and very strong.

So what I have been doing is travelling a bit further afield, about 70-100 miles away, where I have found 2 Xingyiquan schools, a Chow Gar Praying Mantis school, and 2 Jeet Kune Do classes.

So far I have attended one of the Xingyiquan schools, and the Chow Gar Praying Mantis school. As expected, their level is way, way lower than the boxers and MMA people, so I hope to attend a few classes and make friends, and then see if I can spar with some of those guys first to prepare me for the boxers.


Your boxer-friend is a good opponent to start with. When you can beat him easily with your practiced sequence, progress with Boxers and other martial artists of a higher level.

Don't waste your time. You should not join any other martial art clubs which will eventually make you spar like the people in the clubs. This is actually what I ask you not to do. This was also exactly what some instructors and students in our school did. They joined other martial art clubs and learned to spar like the people in the club, which made me frustrated.

This was inevitable. If you joined a Boxing club, you would have to spar like a Boxer. If you joined a MMA club, you would have to spar like a MMA fighter. If you joined a Muay Thai club, you would have to spar like a Muay Thai fighter. If you joined most other kungfu clubs, either you performed kungfu sets for demonstration or bounced about like Boxers or Kick-Boxers.

My advice was very clear. You don't have to add anything to it. I shall repeat the advice for your convenience. Select one or two combat sequences and apply them relentlessly on your opponents taking care of safety first. It does not matter which sequences you choose so long as they are kungfu sequences suitable for pressing attack. If you like you can create one yourself.

There is no need to add anything else. If you need to join another martial art club, wear a large hat or drink coffee, I would have said, "You need to join a martial art club, wear a large hat or drink coffee."



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