Good health, vitality and longevity

Practicing chi kung gives good health, vitality and longevity

Question 1

How do we know we have over-trained?

— Carla, Spain


There are a few clear signs of over-training.

If you have over-trained, you will feel tired or sleepy. You may have pain all over your body. You will also feel naucious and uncomfortable.

Over-training means you have trained correctly but the benefits are too much for your body to bear. If you train correctly, i.e. you have not over-trained, you will feel fresh and energetic. But if you have over-trained, you will feel tired and sleepy. It is nature way of telling you to rest.

If you have over-trained, you must take remedial actions

Question 2

What are the actions to remedy over-training?


There are 5 categories of action.

  1. Cut down your training time. If you train for an hour, now train for only half an hour. If you train everyday, now train on alternative days.

  2. Cut down the intensity during training. An excellent way is not to enter too deeply into a chi kung state of mind. In our school, this is most useful because our students train for only 10 minutes a session.

  3. Stop training for a few days. Resume training only when symptoms of over-training are gone.

  4. Spend time in outdoor activities, like shopping, hiking, picnics, and swimming,

  5. Take negative actions, like purposely intellectualize or purposely tense your muscles. It is good to have a short, gentle chi flow at the end of the training session to erase the harm due to the negative actions.
Besides overcoming over-training these five categories of action can also prevent over-training.

Traveling Dragon Sword

Traveling Dragon Sword in Frankfurt

Question 3

You have said that chi kung gives good health. I have practiced chi kung for many years, but my classmates are not as healthy as you have described. Can you please tell us the reasons?

— Clement, Belgium


It is a fact that practicing chi kung gives us good health, vitality and longevity. But genuine chi kung is rare today. Nowadays most people practice chi kung forms as gentle physical exercise, but they call it chi kung.

It is likely that you and your classmates have been practicing only chi kung forms. That is the reason why you and your classmates are not as healthy as I have described in my website. This is actually common today, though many people may not realize it.

A good analogy is Taijiquan, or Taiji as called by many people. Most people today only practice Taiji forms, but they call it Taijiquan. Taijiquan is a wonderful, internal martial art. Practicing Taiji forms is not Taijiquan. Those who practice Taiji forms have no internal force, and cannot use their Taiji forms for combat. Similarly many of those who practice chi kung forms do not have good health, vitality and longevity.

Why does practicing genuine chi kung give good health, vitality and longevity?

Chi kung deals with energy, and life is energy flow. When one practices chi kung, he generates an energy flow. When the energy flow is harmonious, he becomes healthy. When the energy flow is vigorous, he has vitality. When he has a lot of energy that flows for a long time, he has longevity.

Question 4

There is a friend of mine who still has arthritis after having practiced chi kung for many years. According to your description of chi kung, he should be well be now. Why he still has arthritis?


Your friend still has arthritis because he only practices chi kung forms. If he has practiced genuine chi kung, the energy flow generated by his practice would have cleared his arthritis, and he would be healthy by now.

According to traditional Chinese medical philosophy, all illness, including arthritis, is caused by energy blockage. When a person practices genuine chi kung, he generates an energy flow. If he has practiced chi kung for many years, he would have generated energy flow for many years. His energy flow would have cleared his energy blockage, making him healthy, full of vitality and have longevity.

However, if your friend practices only chi kung forms but does not have the skills to generate energy flow, he will not be able to clear his arthritis. While chi kung forms can be learnt from a book or a video, chi kung skills need to be acquired from a master or at least a competent teacher who has the skills. I am proud to say that many students in our school have overcome arthritis and other diseases.

Tiger Claw

One-Finger Shooting Zen

Question 5

How does combat application of the sword enrich our daily life?

— Lena, Germany


The Chinese sword is a sophisticated weapon. It needs great skills to use the sword well.

Firstly, learning the combat application of the sword makes our kungfu training meaningful. We do not perform a sword set like a dance; we can use the sword as a weapon.

Agility is very important in swordsmanship. This agility is transferable to our daily life. We are agile not only physically but also intellectually.

A Chinese sword is dainty. It does not clash with an opponent's weapon. Doing so may break the sword into pieces. A good swordsman avoids an opponent's weapon, usually flowing with it. It highlights avoiding danger in everyday life.

A swordsman not only avoids an opponent's weapon, he looks out and searches for opportunities to strike the opponent. This training is beneficial to daily life. He changes problems into opportunities, or create opportunities when they are not present.

The high level of skills of swordsmanship inspires a swordsman to develop high level of skills in daily life. In combat, he beats his opponents because of his skills. He transfers the importance of skills in daily living. Other weapons also depends on skills, but it is in the sword that skills are of utmost importance.

Question 6

I have been practising qigong since 2004, and recently I came to experience with some kung fu exercises, finding them really remarkable and joyful. I have the book "Shaolin Kung Fu" from master WKK where he explains some basic kung fu exercises, emphasizing on "ma bu" and the developing of "inner strength", including the exercise of "A Finger Throwing Zen".

— Alma, Colombia


"One-Finger Shooting Zen" is a treasure of our school. Not only it generates a lot of internal force, but also it gives good health, vitality and longevity. But it must be learnt under a master. Wrong practice can cause adverse side essfects, and it is easy to practice wrongly even when students gain some internal force initially.

I would strongly advise you to attend my Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course. However, I do not offer this course often. Please check my website for available dates.

Cosmos Palm

Cosmos Palm

Question 7

How can I achieve to "throw" the energy out the finger? I feel stagnation even though I practice daily.


There are various steps in the process, and you have to learn them from a master.

Question 8

In another WKK book he explains the palm of the cosmos, another exercise for developing inner strength. My idea with this technique is not to develop combat power but an enhanced ability to send energy to others in order to heal. Is there anything to change in this practice in order to channel inner strength for healing (rather than for breaking bricks or whatever)? A great bow and salutation for Sifu Wong Kiew Kit.


"Cosmos Palm" is an advanced art. You should generate internal force first with "One-Finger Shooting Zen". When you have sufficient internal force, you can learn "Cosmos Palm", if you have an opportunity. But if you don't have this opportunity, the internal force from "One-Finger Shoot Zen" is sufficient for most people.

You may like to see how students train Cosmos Palm. However, I don't intend to offer this once-in-a life-time course again.

Sending energy to another person calls for much skill and knowledge. Without the skill and knowledge it is likely to cause harm, to the sender as well as the recipient, instead of benefit. To be a chi kung healer carries a heavy responsibility. A chi kung healer is like a father (or mother) to his patients. He must be well trained in chi kung healing.



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