Pushing Mountain

Hartono performing Pushing Mountain

Question 1

I don't know if I practise qigong correctly as I can tell some of the result and ways of my practice.

— Cin, Indonesia


A very good way to tell if a person is practicing chi kung correctly is to see whether he gets the benefits chi kung is purported to give.

All chi kung will give good health, vitality and longevity. Good chi kung will also give peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion.

Low-level chi kung will give little results after a long time, whereas high-level chi kung will give a lot of results after a short time. Medium-level chi kung is in between.

If you practice chi kung for a year, and overcome common diseases like common cold and back pain, it is low-level chi kung. If you are already healthy and you find that you have relatively more vitality, yours is low-level chi kung.

If you practice chi kung for less than a month, and overcome common diseases like common cold or back pain, yours is high-level chi kung. If you are already healthy, and you find that you have a lot of vitality after practicing for about a month, your chi kung is of a high-level.

Question 2

When doing qigong, I breathe in deeply to my dan tian through my nose and out from mouth sounds like ha sounds.


Your chi kung pattern looks like "Pushing Mountain" of the 18-Lohan Hands in Shaolin Wahnam. There is a gentle "ha" sound when breathing out. Your breathing in and out is deep, but must be relaxed and gentle.

any food

When you practice high-level chi kung, you can eat any food

Question 3

In my practice I am doing internal force like pushing heavy ball using deep breathe in to dan tian, hold a while and hand push out together with air out from mouth with sounds ha.


It is important that you must be relaxed when pushing out, like pushing a heavy ball. In high-level chi kung you may feel your hands heavy after preforming the exercise, and there are tingling effects at your finger tips.

After practice you should feel energised and your mind fresh. 15 minutes is a good time for chi kung practice. Low-level chi kung which focuses mainly on performing chi kung forms may take about an hour.

However, if once a while, you find that you have practiced for an hour, it is alright. It is also alright if you find that you have practiced for only 5 minutes. But you aim at about 15 minutes, and you don't have to worry how long the practice session will turn out to be.

Question 4

People said if practice qiqong must eat vegetarian foods avoiding meats. Is it correct?


It is not correct. If a person practices chi kung, especially high-level chi kung, he can eat whatever he likes to eat.

In Sinew Metamorphosis, less is often more

Question 5

Dear Sifu Wong and other brothers and sisters,

I have read 2 books from Sifu Wong and felt greatly connected to Chi Kung, as I always loved Nature, the sun, stars, fresh air, waters, and its pure energies. I started practicing a little bit of Chi Kung as instructed by the books, yet since I did not receive personal training from a qualified teacher I am a little hesitant, for I know wrong practice can cause serious consequences.

For 10 years I practice gentle yoga and swimming every day. Nevertheless, I have since 6 years many health difficulties such as chronic back pain, chronic fatigue, disturbed sleep, problems with digestion and elimination. Great stress in nervous system. Which have been affecting my life and activities very much. I feel very very sad because I am still 35 years old, and the body feels so old and its life seems exhausted and extinguishing fastly. I used to do siting meditation for 2 to 3 hours, and now to sit even for 30 minutes is very painful. I really want to reestablish vitality in my body, so I can be truly alive each day.

I do not have much finances to travel far, yet I wish to go to Malaysia in the month of September of this year 2019 to learn and train in Chi Kung and Tai Chi Chuan. I know the quality of Sifu`s teachings is very high and therefore requires a high cost for the courses. Yet, unfortunately my financial situation does not alow me to participate in such courses.

Please forgive me for asking, yet I wish to know if there are classes with lower costs with Sifu and his students. If not, with other qualified teachers in any part of Malaysia, indicated by Sifu and his students.

— Pranada, Brazil


Thank you for your e-mail.

You want good health but you are not willing to pay for it.

I would recommend that you attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course. Many people attended my course and have become healthy and happy.

It is your choice. You can choose to suffer from chronic back pain, chronic fatigue, disturbed sleep, problems with digestion and elimination, stress in your nervous system for years and feeling old although you are actually young, or have a good chance of becoming healthy and full of vitality. You need to pay the fee.

By the way, Sifu Wong Chun Nga, Sifu Lee Wei Joo and Dr Foong, whom you addressed as brothers in your e-mail, are all masters, and should be addressed as such. They are not your brothers as you called them.

Question 6

When I do the Sinew Metamorphosis exercise in which my arms are extended above my head and then pull down with my fists while stretching my body upward on my toes, I can feel energy penetrate my body from my head to my toes. I do seven repetitions every day. I like this exercise very much. Can I get more benefit by doing more repetitions or perhaps by making some other change?

— Douglas, Spain


This exercise is called "Pulling Up", or more poetically "Lohan Emerges from Water". In our school, "less is often more". You will get more benefits by performing less repetitions instead of more repetitions.

Students first introduced to this exercises perform 12 repetitions. When they are more advanced, they perform 6 repetitions. When they are at a master's level, they perform only 3 repetitions.

When performing 12 repetitions, practitioners focus on the form level. When performing 6 repetitions they focus on the energy level. When they perform only 3 repetitions, they focus on the mind level.

Releasing from Grip

Releasing from Grip

Question 7

Should my fists be relaxed or should I close them with some tension?


You should be totally relaxed. The more tension you have, the less benefits you will get.

Some people may feel their arms filled with tension. It is not tension but you are filled with internal force as you never tense your muscles. Your internal force is "locked" in your arms because you close your fists, which should be relaxed.

Question 8

Since I don't have a training partner, will it really be possible for me to achieve a reasonable level of proficiency training the kungfu techniques you taught me just with an imaginary opponent?


You will achieve not only a reasonable level, but a good level by training the kungfu techniques I taught you just with an imaginary opponent. Remember that many years ago you defeated a master who taught commandoes by learning a combat sequence in less than 10 minutes!

First you ensure you have your form correct by attaining picture-perfect form. You may have to repeat the same form many times.

Then you ensure your energy correct by attaining a smooth, harmonious flow. First you start slowly to see that you round up the corners. Then you increase your speed.

Thirdly you ensure your mind correct by performing at the speed of thought. You must ensure that you perform your sequences harmoniously and your form is picture-perfect.



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