Students performing 18 Lohan Hands at a England class
Question 1
I wanted to let you know that I am very close to starting offering classes and healing now. I intend to start teaching a class near where I live in late Sept/early October, and I am developing my ability to offer chi kung healing as well. At present, I am still in full-time work but I intend to build up classes and other services and transition from employment to self-employment when I am supporting my family with the new services.
I am also working through how to offer chi kung healing at the premium fee in the UK given the rules about what can and cannot be said about any art's ability to heal, even though we know it can do so! I am working with a lawyer on this.
— Matt, England
It is wonderful to hear from you.
I am glad you will start teaching and performing chi kung healing. London is a very big city. We can easily have 10 Shaolin Wahnam instructors in London teaching genuine, high-level chi kung.
Chi kung is so badly taught by others that it has become a gentle physical exercise without the knowing of other teachers. When a person says he practices "chi kung", he means he practices gentle physical exercise. Genuine chi kung will bring good health, vitality and longevity; high-level chi kung will bring a lot of these benefits in a short time. Gentle physical exercise can never bring these benefits.
It is important not to antagonize medical drug companites or medical circles. Medical drug companies and medical circles can benefit much financially from modern technology. Medical drug companies can develoop medical drugs coated with sugar to generate energy flow, and medical doctors have great respect from the public, whereas practicing genuine chi kung takes a long time.
Charging high fees is a good way to differentiate between genuine, high-level chi kung and gentle physical exercise -- a fact not many people know. Students will be glad to pay the high fees once they know that you teach genuine, high-level chi kung.
Teaching 18 Lohan Hands is a very good way to start teaching genuine, high-level chi kung. But you must guard against over-teaching. You will also learn the skills of teaching, which are quite different from the skills of practicing chi kung.
There is no definite syllabus for teaching chi kung. Shaolin Wahnam Syllabuses is a good place to start reading. You should also read Five-Animal Play and Other Chi Kung Arts in our School.
Chi kung healing will be a norm in future. As practicing genuine chi kung is very rare, chi kung healing is also very rare. What many teachers prescribe is gentle physical exercise using chi kung form. They don't even have any experience of "chi". As "chi" is life, chi kung healing can overcome any diseases, especially those considered "incurable" in Western medicine.
You need to be very careful legally in teaching genuine, high-level chi kung, and performing chi kung healing as a teacher. You must also be sure that the income from teaching genuine, high-level chi kung and performing chi kung healing be more than your present income before thinking of changing profession. Never pay any promoter any money up-front no matter how good he claims himself (or herself) to be. You may, if you like, give a high commission.
Personally I do not believe in a free introductory one-day class. It is too soon to generate energy flow -- to show the difference between genuine chi kung and gentle physical exercise. You should also let students develop on their own the skills of going into a chi kung state of mind, but you can help them.
Remember that courses with me are different from regular chi kung or chi kung healing classes. In courses with me you learn in a few days what I took months or years to learn as a student. I did not know about going into a chi kung state of mind until years later when I was already a teacher after reading about it from the greatest of chi kung masters, Sifu Yan Xin, of China. Things like "opening your mouth", "smiling from your heart", and "always having good thoughts" -- which our students now know clearly -- were what I developed from my many years of teaching.
Question 2
I've started to practice the horse riding stance multiple times. Each time I practice it, I stand for 10 seconds. I do this 5 times. So it comes out to be 5 x 10 = 50 seconds of practice. I'm planning to increase the total time in the horse riding stance by 50 seconds every week. So next week, I'll practice 10 sets of 10 seconds in each set for a total of 100 seconds.
— Bala, India
It is great to know that you are starting to practice kungfu. If you follow my plan, you will be combat efficient in a year's time. More significantly, you will have good health, vitality and longevity. You can choose any one of the kungfu styles you like at Video Lessons for Non-Shaolin Wahnam Members.
Your approach to the Horse-Riding Stance is incorrect. You should be able to "sit" at the Horse-Riding Stance for at least 5 minutes in just one session.
Let us say your starting time is 5 seconds, i.e. you can "sit" at the Horse-Riding Stance correctly and comfortably for 5 seconds in just one session. Pay particular attention to correct form at the beginning. You must be relaxed.
After "sitting" correctly and comfortably at the Horse-Riding Stance for 5 seconds for a few days, you increase the time to 7 seconds, i.e. you add 2 seconds to your previous 5 seconds. 3 days is a good estimation for "a few days" mentioned earlier.
In this way you will be able to "sit" correctly and comfortably at the Horse-Riding Stance for 5 minutes after a period of time. Practicing daily, most people will be able to achieve this in 3 to 6 months. You will find that by then you would have improved your health and vitality.

Horse-Riding Stance
Question 3
Mental blockage seems particularly problematic since we might use a blocked mind to have a gentle thought that our mental blockage will clear. Sifu, how can I direct a gentle thought for the clearance of a mental blockage when my mind is blocked? Or should I do more sitting meditation and train the mind by not letting thoughts arise?
— John, Ireland
Mental blockage is most problematic. Most people may not realize their mental blockage. They regard having a bad family or working in a poor work-place as fate. They don't realize that karma is flexible, though its general structure is quite fix, and that learning from Shaolin Wahnam is actually their having done a lot of good work in the past.
Start with something quite simple where good feeling is quite obvious, like doing a small little good deed. You will feel happy immediately. As your mental clarity becomes clear, you can try more demanding tasks, like visualizing a good family or working in a good work place.
Sitting meditation is a good way to train the mind.
Question 4
I'm somewhat concerned that I may train wrong responses. Also I am concerned that I may visualize my opponent inaccurately or visualize his strikes unrealistically. How does one proceed with confidence in building this skill against an imaginary opponent?
You need not be exact in imagining your opponent. Just imagine he throws you a right punch. That would be sufficient. You need not imagine what stance he uses -- like whether it is a left bow-arrow, a right bow-arrow, a sideway eight tenth horse-riding, or any other stance.
When you are quite proficient in handling a straight punch, you can imagine other types of punches, like a horn punch or a skyward cannon punch.
When you are proficient in handling different types of punches, you can go to different kicks. First start with a comparatively easy kick, like a side-kick. Then you can imagine other types of kicks, like a thrust kick, a snap kick and a sweeping kick.
Then you go to felling techniques and chin-na.
This is just a guide-line. You can, if you like, use other approaches. What is more important is to cover your opponent adequately, and to bridge any gaps.

Warding off a top strike
Question 5
Recently I was pondering from the Legacy of Zhang San Feng Set the pattern, "Two Saints Transmit Tao".
— James, England
"Two Saints Transmit Tao" is for dim mark, or dotting vital points.
The uninitiated, which means the great majority, will find the fist most powerful, the palm the next, and the fingers the least.
On the other hand, those initiated into kungfu will be reverse. They will find the fist the least powerful, the palm the next, and the fingers the most powerful. Indeed, one can access a practitioner's attainment by observing how he (or she) usually uses the fist, the palm or the fingers the most. The fingers are the most powerful because it is easiest to transmit internal force through the fingers.
In dim mark, it is not just transmitting internal force; it is transmitting chi, or vital energy. It is the vital energy of a dim mark master dotting the vital points of an opponent.
I can't remember whether you attended the "Dragon Strength Course" where dim mark was taught. The "Dragon Strength Course" was one of the best kungfu courses I have taught, the other being the "Essence of Shaolin".
Question 6
I couldn't help thinking that this strike in combat has several implications and what came to mind was the following:
- On transmitting chi to a specific point, it is a potentially formidable strike.
- It can be a compassionate strike as it has the potential to convert yin-yang disharmony at the striking point into balance.
- Using real kung fu in combat can be highly beneficial for an opponent.
I agree with the three points you mentioned, namely that "Two Saints Transmit Tao" is a formidable strike, that it can be compassionate as it can balance the yin-yang disharmony of a person, and that using kungfu for combat can be highly beneficial for an opponent. I would like to add the following important points.
It is very rare for a master to learn dim mark, which is now regarded as a lost art. Normally a dim mark master would ask his dim mark victim to seek another kungfu master who knows dim mark or a good traditionally Chinese trained physician to overcome his dim mark injury. Usually herbal medicine is used to overcome the injury, and it takes about three months for the victim to recover.
In the "Dragon Strength Course", course participants just took out the injury. It took about 5 minutes. To be double sure, we asked the victim to have a chi flow, which took less than half an hour.
"Two Saints Transmit Tao" or any technique that employs dim mark can be compassionate if the master is trained not only in dim mark but also in traditional Chinese medicine. He must know what he is doing. "Yin" and "yang" are two common terms that are frequently misunderstood. You can have some understanding of "yin" and "yang" if you read Chapter 5 of my book, "The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine".
Kungfu combat can be highly beneficial for an opponent if the kungfu practitioner is compassionate. Genuine kungfu, which is usually of a low-level, is rare today. People who practice kungfu usually performs only kungfu forms or use Boxing, Kick-Boxing or other martial arts for sparring.

Two Saints Transmit Tao
Question 7
I looked at the Zhang San Feng video to revise the correct hand form, but unfortunately I couldn't see the detailed hand form. Following that I went into a chi kung state of mind and looked for an answer. I stood upright and pointed forward my 2nd and 3rd fingers.
"Two-Finger-Zen", also known as "Sword-Finger", is used in "Two Saints Transmit Tao". "Two-Finger-Zen" or "Sword-Finger" is formed by having the index finger and the middle finger straight, while bending the thumb, the fourth finger and the little finger. Chi, or vital energy, is shot out from the two straight fingers, especially the middle finger.
In "Dragon-Hand Form", which is also known as "Two-Finger-Zen", the two fingers are further apart, and they are slightly bent. In kungfu, terms are used for convenience.
Question 8
Are these two Saints related to Mi Den Xia and Guo Ji Yuan that eventually led to Pakua Kung Fu, or does this named hand form precede them right back to the Legacy of Zhang Sen Feng? If the named hand form does go back to Zhang San Feng, are they related to legendary individuals or perhaps meridians or specific energy flows?
The two saints in "Two Saints Transmit Tao" are not related to the two saints you mentioned that led to Dong Hai Chuan inventing Bagauzhang. Dong Hai Chuna lived in the Qing Dynasty, while Zhang San Feng lived in the Song Dynasty, which is a few hundred years earlier.
You need not worry too much whether "the two saints" relate to legendary individuals or meridians of energy flows. They are just terms for the two fingers. You may, if you like, call the pattern "Two Fingers Pointing the Way".
Selected Reading
- Shaolin Wahnam Syllabuses
- Video Lessons for Non-Shaolin Wahnam Members
- Flowing Force of Wudang Taijiquan
- The Difference
- Beautiful Places