MAY 2023 PART 2

Chi Flow
Question 1
There is a student of you that use to come to your courses in Madrid. Unfortunately she is now suffering from lung cancer. She practises 3 times every day. May I give her your e-mail address?
— Sifu Laura Fernandez, Shaolin Wahnam Nadrid
You can give her my email address. It is sifuwong@shaolin-org.
I was surprised that she has lung cancer. It is due to a number of other factors.
It is important that she practices chi kung. She practices the three exercises, i.e. "Lifting the Shy", "Pushing Mountain" and "Carrying the Moon" followed with a chi flow. The chi flow is important.
She needs to practice two times a day, once in the morning and once in the evening or at night. Each session is about 15 minutes. She can also practice self-manifested chi movement once a while, say about once a week.
She needs to be away from the cross-roads, reservoirs, burial grounds or temples and churches. If she stays at one of these places, she has to move.
The most important is that she must have faith. She must believe that chi kung can overcome her problems. Cancer can be overcome by practising chi kung. I have overcome many people with cancer and other "so-called incurable" diseases.
It is important that she must not practice too high a level. Having a chi flow with "Lifting the Sky", "Pushing Mountain" and "Carrying the Moon" is about the best. She can practice self-manifested chi movement once a week.
Question 2
I achieved my lifelong goal to visit every single country in the world.
— Drew, USA
It is wonderful to visit every country in the world. I recall a story, told to me many years ago.
There was once a rich merchant who has visited every country in the world. At a beach he met a fisherman who enjoyed himself.
The rich merchant said to the man, "Why don't you expand your business and visit every country as I have done?". The fisherman replied, "I'm enjoying myself."
The greatest wealth is health, and genuine chi kung gives good health.
People cannot tell the difference between genuine chi kung and gentle, physcial exercise.
Most people practice gentle, physical exercise, and gentle, physical exercise does not give good health, vitality and longevity.
In our school, you do not just have good health, vitality and longevity, but you also have peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of it.
With the world lockdown, I don't know when I can offer an Intensive Chi Kung Course. If you attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course, please identify yourself to me. I would very much like to meet someone who has been to every country. You can enter a chi kung state of mind and generate an energy flow within the first hour of the course.
I haven't been to Saudi Arabia, but I have been to the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Jordan. These countries are welcoming and beautiful.
Please consult my website.

Merging with the Cosmos
Question 3
I am noticing the energy of my body becoming one with external energy. It feels as if the energy from my meridians is merging with the energy of the universe. Thank you for transmitting these powerful arts that make everyday a true blessing.
— Sifu Miguel Spariosu, Shaolin Wahnam Utrecht
The whole world is energy. And the whole world is undifferentiated.
We never die. Our soul lives forever until we achieve Enlightenment.
Question 4
I trust you are doing well and making the most of spending time with your family under the current circumstances.
Lisa is well and the kids are doing fine. It has been a long time since attending courses and I am grateful I made the effort and attended as many as I could when I did.
In Australia available are Pfizer and AstraZeneca.
Is it likely our chi kung is sufficient to protect against any adverse events from the vaccine?
— Troy, Australia
The vaccination problem has troubled many people. As today Western medication is prominent, vaccination is useful though I am against it.
I myself had two shots, but they didn't bother me. I felt alright after the shots.
Lisa took the vaccination and felt something weird in her chest some time ago. She should be alright by now.
Our chi kung is sufficient against vaccination. It will also give us good health, vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one. "Accomplished in the Shaolin arts --- and our chi kung comes from Shaolin --- is better than changing stones to gold" says a proverb.
I overcame cancer more than 20 years ago, at a time when my chi kung was a portion of what it is now. A lady suffering from cancer told me she would die any time, but she knew very well she would live if she practiced my chi kung. She overcame her cancer. At first I thought she exaggerated, but now I realize the truth. When there is chi, there is life.

It is imporrtant to smile from the heart
Question 5
Is it possible you could train me through Zoom and I pay you? If not I understand.
— Bradan, USA
I usually teach in person. You need to learn how to enter into a chi kung state of mind and how to generate an energy flow.
Most people merely practice gentle, physical exercise, and they are unaware of it. Gentle, physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity.
Moreover, you learn high level chi kung which enables you to peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion or the lack of one.
Question 6
Do you think that to be a good person is enough to get rid of a hex?
— Paz, Spain
I believe you are a good person to get rid of the hex, but it is good to follow the witch, which actually means "a wise woman".
It is alright if your mother does not practice chi kung. Everyone has the right to do what he or she thinks is right.

Angel and Paz
Question 7
What is your opinion on orthomolecular medicine?
— Bala, India
Orthomolecular medicine is a type of medicine that supplements health through nutrients. Personally I disagree with orthomolecular medicine.
I remember that many years ago when I was teaching in Sepang, Malaysia, when my chi kung was only a portion of its effectiveness of what it is today, I came upon a woman me saying that her doctor literally recommended vegetables and water for her meals.
She recovered so fast that during her graduation dinner she took a lot of prawns and crabs as a compensation.
Question 8
There are three dan tian: lower, middle and upper. You always tell us to gently think of our lower dan tian. Why not the middle or upper dan tian?
There are actually many "dan tian". They mean "elixir fields", and are where meridians (or pathways of energy flow) can be reached.
On top of the head at the crown we have "bai hui"; which means "the meeting of hundred meridians".
We have a "dan tian" between the normal eyes. It is called "tian mu", which means "heavenly eye".
Behind the head somewhere between the ears, we have "nao hu", which means "house of the brain".
At the solar plexus, we have "tan zhong", which means "central platform". Behind the back, we have "ling tai", which means "spiritual platform".
These "dan tian" are generally regarded as upper elixir fields.
About an inch below the naval we have a "dan tian" called "qi hai", which means "sea of energy". About two inches below the naval we have a "dan tian" called "guan yuan", which means "original gate". The "qi hai" is where your mother fed you with nutrients. We must always be very grateful to our mother and father.
At the back is "ming men", which means "gate of life". About the same height are your kidneys, which are very important for supplying you with energy.
These "dan tian" are generally called middle elixir fields, though some books refer to them as the lower elixir fields.
At the bottom of the body is the "hui ying", which means "the meeting of yin". It is called the lower "dan tian", or the lower elixir fields.
In the middle of the hands are two "dan tian" called "lao gong", which means "art of labour". They are referred to as hand "dan tian", or hand elixir fields.
At the legs about one third from the toes are two "dan tian" called "yong chuan", which mean "gushing streams". If your "yong chuan" are like gushing streams, like energy rushing out, it means you are very healthy. You don't have to worry about energy gushing out; it will be replaced by energy rushing in.
We generally think of the lower "dan tian". If we think of the middle "dan tian", we may be top heavy. If we think of the upper "dan tian", it will be worst.
Question 9
I'm referring to the online course by Sifu Leonard Lackinger.
Sifu Leonard Lackinger is a very good teacher.
Selected Reading
- Practicing Gentle Physical Exercise while Thinking it is Chi Kung
- Keep Youthful with Shaoin Cosmos Chi Kung
- Stances in Taijiquan and Shaolinquan
- Some General Principes of Kungfu
- Chi Kung and Depression