Sifu Eugene and Grandmaster Wong
Question 1
I wish you a Happy Chinese New Year of the Tiger! I hope this year brings you and your family lots of happiness, health and end of the pandemic.
And I hope this is the year when we can travel to Malaysia and visit you.
— Sifu Eugene Siterman, New York City, Chief Instructor of USA
Thank you for wishing my family and me Happy Chinese New Year of the Tiger with lots of happiness and health.
I hope this is the year when we can travel to Malaysia and visit me.
You too enjoy yourself. New York is a lovely city
You are welcome anytime.
Question 2
Thank you for clarifying some points for me.
I started learning from Roman Garcia in January 2000, and he was my Sifu for over three years. As he left our school, you became my Sifu according to your own criterion.
I started learning Taijiquan from Manolo in 2012. I asked you then whether Manolo would likewise become my Sifu. You told me that it was not the case; Manolo would be my Taijiquan instructor, and my "Siheng", whereas you would remain my "Sifu".
I did the Intensive Chi Kung Course in 2010, and the Chi Kung Healing Course in 2011. I am expecting to do the Intensive Taijiquan and Shaolin Kungfu Courses as soon as possible.
In April 2018, you gave me your authorization to teach.
Thank you for considering me one of your proudest students. It makes me feel very happy, and I appreciate it wholeheartedly. Being your student is truly a rare privilege.
— Javier, Spain
Roman, who left our school, was your "sifu" for three years. Manolo, who was a very good Taijiquan teacher, was your "Siheng" and I continue to be your "sifu".
You are one of my proudest students. Not all instructors are proud in a good sense.

Sifu Monolo is a good Taijiquan teacher
Question 3
I received a notification that I had been searched by the prestigious United States Marine Corps in relation to Zen training.
I would like to initiate contact with the US Marine Corps and propose that Sifu would accompany to train their senior officers.
— John, Ireland
I am glad that the prestigious United States Marine Corps is interested in Zen training.
I would instruct them on Zen and mind training, and be able to attain no mind, which is all mind. Zen training is non-religious.
It is instructive of you to train their senior officers, but I wish to decline. You can go there alone.
It is something important and may open up opportunities.
Question 4
I wish you many blessings of health, prosperity and love.
— Pablo Medina Garcia, Shaolin Wahnam Venezuela
Thank you for wishing me Happy Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger with blessings of health, prosperity and love.

Awakening of Faith in Mahayana
Question 5
What would be your recommendations for this year of the Yang Water Tiger?
This year is the Year of the Yang Water Tiger.
Yin and Yang alternates. It was Yin year in 2021; in 2022 it is Yang year. This year we can open ourselves to business. The world lockdown will be over.
The Tiger has a lot of energy, but it does so after much consideration.
Water has the property of spreading. It spreads through careful thoughts.
It is important to have good thoughts, for ourselves and other people.
(This issue is only released now.)
Question 6
Thank you once again for your amazing job on Bodhisattva Asvaghosha's "Awakening of Faith in Mahayana". It is a masterpiece.
"Awakening of Faith in Mahayana" is a masterpiece.
Surprisingly, the book is not thick. It consists of only a few pages of written text.

Chi kung
Question 7
Cosmic Reality is an undifferentiated spread of energy or consciousness.
Cosmic Reality is manifested in two principal ways, as Transcendental Absolute or Phenomenal World.
Cosmic Reality, which is an undifferentiated spread of energy or consciousness, is seen by us because of our sense organs as differentiated into individuals and countless different beings and things.
The Phenomenal World is applicable universally and is expressed in three dimensions. Spatially it expresses itself in limitless forms, limitless characteristics, and limitless uses; temporally, it stretches back to the beginningless past, operates in the timeless present, and extends to the endless future.
To attain realization of Cosmic Reality, we must have unwavering faith in the Absolute Truth, the Teacher, the Teaching and the Discipline, which are the four aspects of faith.
And in our training for spiritual realization, we must practice devotedly in five areas of charity, morality, tolerance, perseverance and meditation.
My In Quest of Cosmic Reality is a commentary and explanation of "Awakening of Faith in Mahayana".
Question 8
When are you thinking to start teaching Chi kung?
I shall start chi kung when the world lockdown is over. Meanwhile, you can assess my website.
Selected Reading
- Overcoming Cancer with Chi Kung!
- Cosmos Palm and Cosmos Chi Kung
- Our First Taijiquan Combat Sequences in the 1980s
- Wu Yu Xiang Style Taijiqua
- Counters against Various Pin-Downs