They are relaxed and focused
Question 1
In Kung Fu and in daily life when someone defends himself, he may feel anger or other negative emotions (sadness, rage, etc.)
— Paz, Spain
It is best if we can defend ourselves without emotions. In fact, it is recommended.
We have to be relaxed and be focused we have to fight effectively. If we are relaxed, instead of being tense, we can fight better. If we are focused, instead of being distracted, we can fight better. If we are relaxed and focused, we can fight extremely well, as being relaxed and focused are exponential.
If a person is sad, he will be unfavorable. If a person is in rage, or in any negative emotions, he will be bad. He is neither relaxed nor focused, thus he does not have the exponential advantage.
Kungfu masters are courteous. If a challenger challenges you, he would say, "Sifu, show me a technique or two." And if he is defeated, he would say, "Seng yeong. Por chea Sifu sau ha lou cheng" (Cantonese pronunciation), which means, "That's enough. Thank you, Sifu, for saving my life" with the added information, "that you could have hurt me."
"Let me show you how useless is your kungfu" is for those who exchange blows.
Question 2
I often miss California and I cherish the time I spent there with Sigung.
— Andrew, Puerto Rico
California is beautiful. I cherished the time I spent with you in California.

Andrew and Grandmaster Wong
Question 3
Thank you for composing the Plum Flower Sabre set. I enjoy this set very much.
Editorial Note: Sifu Chris Didyk's and Grandmaster Wong's answers are continued from here.
— Sifu Chris Didyk, St Pete, Florida, USA
In the composition of the set, I use the teachings of Sifu Lai Chin Wah, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam and Sifu Choe Hoong Choy.
I didn't learn much from Sifu Chee Kim Thong. At first I though "San Zhan" (or "Three Battles") was for developing internal force. It can be used against any attacks. It is a wonderful martial art.
Question 4
Regarding "Rain Washes Clear Sky" and "Snowflakes Cover Head", I used to think they were interchangeable, but now I am not so sure.
"Rain Washes Clear Sky" and "Snowflakes Cover Head" are not the same. They are not interchangeable. I shall show you when we meet.
Both of them are frontal, i.e. they deflect a strike when facing an opponent. But when needed they can deflect a strike when facing the back of the opponent.

Mike and Chris at the Smoky Mountains
Question 5
Mike is doing quite well. He is gradually building up his school after the pandemic and has recently successfully tested new groups of first and second degree black belts. I had the pleasure of visiting his new school in October last year, and it is very nice.
It is good to visit Mike's school. As a martial artist, we must prepare for any eventuality.
How is Mike's son?
Question 6
It is always wonderful to hear from you.
— Sifu Santi Criado, Shaolin Wahnam Alicante, Spain
I am very happy to receive your email. You are so different from the first time I saw you. You can forgive. It is a great blessing to be able to forgive.
It is important to miss not being able to see me in these past three years. Some persons are crazy. They miss even seeing another person for a short while. Sometimes I even feel they are not sincere. They make a scene; they even cry.

Piers, Jake and Mason at the Smoky Mountains
Question 7
Having you as my Sifu in this life is indeed a great blessing.
You have progressed much. You are a real master.
You have to forgive the whole world. It is indeed liberating. Someone says that it is a weakness to forgive. It is wrong.
It needs a lot of courage and compassion to forgive. "To be able to forgive was the sign of a prime minister" said a Chinese proverb.
Question 8
I then realized why Jesus was putting so much emphasis on forgiving and remembered his words: "forgive them for they know not what they are doing."
Jesus was great.
When you can enjoy a bird passing by, is a sign of greatness. It is not wealth that measures greatness.
Selected Reading
- You Must be Relaxed and Focused when Practicing Chi Kung
- Shaolin Plum Flower Sabre
- Forgiving is Divine
- Chi Kung State of Mind and Chi Flow
- The Difference