Low Stance Single Whip. Click here to read more about the Whip.
The following discussion is reproduced from the thread A Discussion on Yielding started in the Shaolin Wahnam Discussion Forum on 14th February 2006. The name of a main contributor to this thread is removed as requested by him, and is replaced by “Challenger” or any term appropriate to the occasion. As the discussion is long, it is presented here in parts.
Tu Le
Shaolin Wahnam Australia
29th March 2006
Is it possible to defend against all kicks using this pattern? What about low roundhouse kick to the shin, or a stomp to the knee?
Sorry, for the lack of experience in Shaolin Kung Fu or Tai Chi Chuan. I only have Sifu's book 'Art of Shaolin Kung Fu' 'Complete Book of Shaolin' and 'Complete Book of Tai Chi Chuan'.
I like to learn.
Many thanks.
Shaolin Wahnam Indonesia
30th March 2006
Hello Tu Le,
If you have the 'Complete Book of Taichichuan', then see Chapter 9, it explains how to use Low Stance Single Whip against all kicks. Please have a look at Figure 9.4e and its explanation.
You may also visit /review/striking03.html for further explanation.
kai xin... hao yunqi...
Be happy n joyful... and share the joy with others
Shaolin Wahnam Indonesia
30th March 2006
Dear Sihing,
Originally Posted by Marcus
“Just shift your body backward into a low stance. This is the yielding or neutralizing part.”
'Striking Tiger Poise' can be used also to neutralize a kick instead of 'Low stance Single Whip'.
I wonder what are the subtle differences between the two patterns.
kai xin... hao yunqi...
Be happy n joyful... and share the joy with others

Striking Tiger Poise. Click here to read more about the Tiger.
Sifu Jeffrey Segal
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam Australia
31st March 2006
Whips and Tigers
Dear Joko,
I've started a new thread on Low Stance Single Whip and Striking Tiger Poise here
See you there!
Best regards,
Jeffrey Segal
Shaolin Wahnam Australia
Sifu Marcus Santer
Instructor, Shaolin Wahnam England
31st March 2006
I enjoyed reading you last post very much, you obviously learnt a lot on your recent Tai Chi Chuan Intensive with Sifu. I remember Sifu saying that these days he thinks a better response to kicks than "Low Stance Single Whip" is "Striking Tiger Poise" followed up by "Fierce Dragon Across Stream". As you are a Wahnam Tai Chi Chuan player I would invite you to comment on
"what are the subtle differences between the two patterns"
on Jeffrey's thread ;

Counter against Kick
Picture 1: Simon gives me a middle kick
Picture 2: I change my foot work allowing me to move into Low stance and neutralise Simons Kick.
Picture 3: I change my foot work back to bow arrow and strike Simon.
More examples can be found here , here , here and here ,
Right, my wife and I are off to celebrate our 6th Wedding Anniversary with a 24hr short break (I've been banned from the forum), so until Sunday, I wish you well with your practice.
Kind regards