An excellent way to eliminate bad emotions is to practice genuine, high-level chi kung
Question 1
You mentioned during the Intensive Chi Kung Course in November 2015 that cancer is caused by negative emotions. I can confirm it in my case.
— Marina, Russia
In my many years of teaching and healing, for which I was awarded "Qigong Master of the Year" 20 years ago in 1997 at the 2nd World Qigong (Chi Kung) Congress in San Francisco, I have discovered that cancer as well as many so-called incurable diseases are caused by emotions. Most people may not know this, nor trace the source of their disturbing emotions.
But once the negative emotions are cleared, the patients are on the way to recovery. Genuine and high-level chi kung is an excellent way to overcome negative emotions. There is no doubt that you will overcome cancer and be healthier than before.
Question 2
Is it really possible for a person to have emotions he wants to have? Or are emotions something beyond his control? In other words how can a person change the emotions he has?
It is possible for a person to have the emotions he wants to have. In other words, he control his emotions. But the great majority of people cannot do this. They are controlled by emotions, and often they may not realize it.
An excellent way to control our emotions is an advanced chi kung exercise in our school called "Cosmic Shower". Cosmic energy, which practitioners tap from the Cosmos, cleanses away unwanted emotions, as well as physical, mental and spiritual blockage.
Any genuine, high level chi kung will cleanse away unwanted emotions, though these exercises may not be as effective as Cosmic Shower. When you performed "Carrying the Moon", which is a chi kung technique, at an advanced level you had a Cosmic shower, which is a chi kung skill.
You or any chi kung practitioner does not have to know how to channel Cosmic energy to clear unwanted emotions. The cleansing will occur spontaneously. But when we have the appropriate skills, we are more effective. If a person performs "Carrying the Moon" correctly, he will eventually cleanse his unwanted emotions. Often he may not realize it because the process may take years. But if he examine himself, he will find that unwanted emotions, like fear and anxiety, have disappeared, and he is now calm and peaceful. However, in my "Cosmic Shower" class, practitioners can feel the difference immediately!
An excellent way for a person to change his unwanted emotions is to practice genuine, high-level chi kung. Even if he does not know how to change his unwanted emotions, the unwanted emotions will be changed, but it takes a longer time. If he is aware that his negative emotions affect his health, the change will be faster. If he also knows the methods, the change will be faster still. However, he must guard against over-training. If the change is too drastic, it is not good for him.

Using the technique of Carrying the Moon to generate the skill of Cosmic Shower
Question 3
Does chi kung make emotions healthy and positive with time?
Yes, chi kung makes emotions healthy and positive with time. Practitioners need not know this fact, but the process will occur. If he knows, it is faster. If he has the appropriate methods, it is faster still.
But it must be genuine chi kung. More than 80% of chi kung practitioners do not practice genuine chi kung! They practice gentle physical exercise using chi kung techiniques, and usually they do not know it, just like more than 90% of Taiji practitioners throughout the world use Taijiquan techniques to practice external Taiji forms.
How do we tell that a chi kung practitioner is not practicing genuine chi kung, or a Taiji practitioner is not practicing genuine Taijiquan? An excellent way is to see the results according to the effects practicing the art should give. If a person practices genuine chi kung, he should be healthy, full of vitality and have longevity. If he practices genuine Taijiquan, he should be able to defend himself and has internal force.
If an art is genuine but of a low level, practitioners will take a long time to have little results. If the art is genuine and of a high level, practitioners will take a short time and have a lot of results.
Some chi kung practitioners who practice gentle physical exercise using chi kung techniques, may be healthy, full of vitality and have longevity. But their good health, vitality and longevity are not due to their chi kung practice, but due to other factors, If he practoces gemuine chi kung, he will have these wonderful benefits due to his practice.
Question 4
Do emotions of anger, fear, frustration and sadness accumulate through previous lives of a soul? Does a newborn child come to this world with these accumulated burden?
Yes, emotions of anger, fear, frustration and sadness as well as other emotions, both positive and negative, accumulate through previous lives.
A newborn child comes to this world with these accumulated burden or talents. Some children, by nature, are fearful; others are confident. Some children are dull; others are talented.

A special feature of Baguazhang is to get to the back of an opponent
Question 5
Is it really true that if a person is able to throw away bad emotions his body would be cured as well?
Yes, this is true, and we have countless examples in our school. Not only his body will be cured when he throws away bad emtions, but more importantly his soul too. Not only he is physically healthy, he has a good attitude towards life.
Question 6
Can I just switch off all bad emotions at one stroke? Do you know then where the switch is?
I don't know whether you or anybody can switch off all bad emotions in one stroke, or where the switch is, but I know for sure that it is not good for you or anybody else. It is too drastic, and your body may not be able to take it. You need time.
An excellent way to clear all your bad emotions is genuine and high-level chi kung practice or chi kung healing, like what you do now. But you must guard against over-training, which results in over-cleansing. Over-training means that your practice is correct, but the benefits you get are too powerful for your body to bear. Over-cleansing means that your cleansing, or clearing away blockage like negative emotions, is too fast for your comfort.

Capturing a weapon
Question 7
Can you tell me what is the origin of Baguazhang and how old it is? On the internet you find information that Baguazhang was created by Dong Hai Chuan, but I have also read about Wudang Baguazhang that seems to employ the same circle walking used by Cheng and Yin style Baguazhang of Dong's disciples Cheng Tin Hua and Yin Fu.
On the other hand before Dong there was never a mention of Baguazhang and it was unknown. He himself called his art Turning Palms and it was later that it was named Baguazhang. So how come there is Wudang Baguazhang using that name? Which of them was first? Is it a separate branch or simply it emerged later also from Dong's Baguazhang deviated styles?
— Jeffersen, Curacao
Baguazhang, pronounced as "Pakua Chang" in Englsih, was invented by Dong Hai Chuan (1797-1882) who lived to a ripe old age at 84. It is well known that Baguazhang masters live to a ripe old age. There was no mention of Baguazhang before Dong's time.
"Dong" is pronounced like /T'ung/ in English, and not as /Dong/, just as "Jose" in Spanish is pronounced as /Hose/ in English, and not /Jose/.
It was not clear from whom Dong Ha Chuan learned his various kungfu styles. He learned Shaolin Kungfu in his young days, being well versed in Lohan Kungfu, Erlangquan and Fanziquan, and he defeated many other masters.
In his middle age he went to Jiu Hua Mountain, where he said he met two Taoist priests who taught him Baguazhang. Some accounts mention that he met one Taoist priest.
He then went to Beijing where he served as the Teacher of the Imperial Guards. He also defeated many well known masters. He met the famous Xingyiquan master, Gua Yun Sheng, and they fought for 3 days and 3 nights ending in a draw. Then they became good friends.
Dong Hai Chuan was an excellent teacher. Instead of teaching the same art to all his students, he taught them according to their disposition. Hence, different styles of Baguazhang developed from his different disciples, like Cheng Style Baguazhang from Cheng Ting Hua and Yin Style Baguazhang from Yin Fu.
Many people classify kungfu into two main groups, Shaolin and Wudang. Wudang Kungfu consists of Taijiquan, Xingyiquan and Baguazhang, and all the rest belongs to Shaolin. Personally I don't agree to this classification, although it has been established. Xingyiquan, for example, was historically from Shaolin.
Hence, Wudang Baguazhang may refer to this style of kungfu that derives from Dong Hai Chuan's Baguazhang. Dong Hai Chuan's Baguazhang came earlier than other styles of Baguazhang.
Question 8
Although I'm aware of the imminent danger of knives, especially at close quarters, a lot of people are making it seem as if there really isn't a way to disarm or immobilize your opponent when presented in such a situation.
Do you have any defense that you'd like to share or talk about? How would someone go about protecting themselves from a serious situation as such?
— Nareshwar, India
A knife, a dagger or any weapon can be captured if you are skillful in kungfu. Please see
An excellent way for someone to protect himself or herself from such a situation is to practice good kungfu. More significantly than capturing an opponent's weapon, he (or she) can enjoy good health, vitality and longevity. But he must practice genuine, good kungfu. Much of kungfu practiced today is for demonstration of kungfu forms or a generous exchange of blows in free sparring.
Selected Reading
- Qigong: a Cure for Cancer and Chronic, Degernerative Diseases? A Global Interest
- Brief Description of Baguazhang Classics
- A Lovely Trip from Dublin to Killarney
- 36-Specific-Technique Set
- Beautiful Country