Carlos in the foreground is performing "Bear Walk" while others are performing other chi kung exercises
Question 1
My sister is suffering from multiple sclerosis. The illness is gradually progressing and I know that the prognosis from the official medicine is not very promising. However, I know that in the world there are numbers of cases of full recovery from this condition. I believe that the recovery is possible which is why I am trying to help my sister to support her and I am looking for remedies in all possible areas and directions.
Could you please suggest some exercises or forms that might be helpful with the treatment of multiple sclerosis considering the fact that the person already has a limited ability of moving or even standing?
— Sergei, Russia
The onus of practicing chi kung is skills and not techniques. In other words, skills are much more important than techniques in the practice of chi kung.
More than 80% of those practicing chi kung, or think that they practice chi kung, do not have the skills although they perform chi kung techniques correctly and often beautifully. They perform gentle physical exercise using chi kung forms. They are still sick and weak, although genuine chi kung gives them good health and vitality.
The best course of action for your sister is to attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course or to attend a regular class taught by our qualified Shaolin Wahnam instructor. You can see a List of Certified Shaolin Wahnam Instructor here. A lot of people have overcome multiple sclerosis by practicing chi kung from us.
But you have attended my Intensive Chi Kung Course and Small and Big Universe Course. If it is not feasible for her to attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course or to attend a regular class taught by one of our certified instructors, you can teach her some chi kung. Please bear in mind that practicing chi kung and teaching chi kung need different skills, and it is not easy to teach chi kung to one of the family members. Even if she wants to learn, you may just teach her some gentle physical exercise.
Some good chi kung exercises to teach someone with multiple sclerosis are "Lifting the Sky", "Carrying the Moon", "Bear Walk", "Dancing Butterfly", "Deep Knee Bend" and "Rotating Knees". She must have a chi flow after the chi kung exercises.
Question 2
As I wasn't clear enough, I would like to clarify that I definitely wasn't suggesting a free one day introduction. I was thinking of a paid introductory one day course which would act like a taster session with the aim that if people wanted to follow up they could join a class.
— Matt, England
A paid one-day course is also too soon to see result. My early students took about four months to have an energy flow when I first started about 35 years ago. That was quite fast. Most other students today don't have any energy flow as they only practice gentle physical exercise. Those who have energy flow after many years will become masters.
Now at my intensive chi kung courses, students have their chi flow within half an hour. That is super fast. I have to ask students to guard against over-training. They should train at about 30% of their potential. I also have to remind students and instructors that my courses and instructors' regular classes are different.
If a student can have energy flow after 6 months, his is good result. It is energy flow that gives good health, vitality and longevity.
We always speak from a position of strength. Those who want good health, vitality and longevity must pay a high fee for these wonderful benefits.

Chris deflected John's attack and fell him onto the ground with Wudang Kungfu
Question 3
Can I please ask Sifu what is the best way in Wudang Kungfu to respond to an individual left or right punch, or left or right kick?
— John, Ireland
You can respond to an opponent's attack in many ways.
You can react to a punch or a kick, from left or right, in three categories, namely low-level, middle-level and high-level. Please remember that what is "low-level" to us is actually "high-level" to other people. Most kungfu practitioners today do not even know how to fight with their kungfu.
It is also beneficial to start with our low-level, progress to middle-level, then advance to high-level. For example, if you meet a master who pretends to be slow and clumsy, you may wish to start with a low-level as the master could be very skilful. Low-level methods are careful; high-level methods involve some risks.
These three levels correspond to the three categories of responses, namely "seen chew yi ta", "lien siew tai ta" and "pat chew yi ta", which are "first-defence-then-counter", "defence-cum-counter" and "no-defence-direct-counter".
At the low-level, when an opponent strikes or kicks, you can first defend with "Shift Horse Ask Way", then counter with "Green Dragon Tests Claws". At the middle-level, you may respond with "Garment Receives Flowing Breeze", deflecting his strike or kick, then immediately attacking him with your hands. You can attack him in any way you like -- like striking, kicking, felling or gripping him.
At the high-level, you shift slightly to your left, right or back as he attacks, and move forward with "Two Saints Transmit Tao", dotting his vital points. "No-defence-direct-counter" is a misnomer. By moving slightly to your left, right or back, you have moved away from the target of his attack.
You can view the names of the patterns at Wudang Taijiquan -- Picture Series.
Question 4
I fear that my kidney has steadily deteriorated even with the chi kung exercises. My renal doctor says that now my replacement kidney is only 20% functional.
Couple of years ago I heard you mentioned that it was easy to overcome kidney disease and diabetes. I have both. Did you mean performing the chi kung can overcome them, or meant to cure them through other means?
— Paul, USA
I am sorry to hear of your kidney problems. If you practice genuine, high-level chi kung, you should have overcome the problems, but you still have the problems. There are a few possibilities which I shall list them out.
- You have practiced wrongly.
- You have practiced insufficiently.
- You have over-trained.
- It is a remission, i.e. it appears getting worse, but you are actually going to recover from the kidney problems. In chi kung it is known as "chi attacking the oven", which means chi is digging out whatever remnants of the illness.
The important exercises for kidney problems are "Pushing Mountains", "Nourishing Kidneys", "Merry-go-Round" and "Bear Walk". But please guard against over-training. You should focus on what you learn on the first day of the Intensive Chi Kung Course.
Each session should last about 10 to 15 minutes. You should practice three times a day, once in the morning, once in the evening, and once at night. Don't practice around noon from about 11.00 am to 2.00 pm.
It is not difficult to overcome kidney disease and diabetes. Our chi kung can overcome these diseases, without the need of any other medication. A lot of people have done so.

Nourishing Kidneys
Question 5
I am a 24 year old immigrant from Belarus currently residing in the United States. We have not had the opportunity to meet personally in one of your courses, but your teachings have touched and transformed my life.
— Artem, USA
Congratulations for living in the United Stares. It is a land of plenty and freedom. It is one of the richest countries in the world where a person can do whatever he legally likes. Not many countries in the world can have such advantages.
One of my teachings is having noble thoughts -- for ourselves and other people. The phenomenal world, i.e. the world we live in, is the result of thoughts. Spiritual teachers as well as the latest scientists are teaching the same concept.
Question 6
I am in training to be a clinical psychologist, and I have come to see the tremendous flaws in the Western paradigms concerning pathology and mental and physical health.
Western culture is wonderful, though there may be some faults, like in the Western paradigms concerning pathology and mental and physical health, which you as a clinical psychologist can contribute much. Many things that we have taken for granted are from Western culture.
In practicing genuine chi kung, there is no such a thing as an "incurable" disease. Everyone is healthy. If a person is mentally or physically sick, it is because of energy blockage, or chi blockage, i.e. energy is preventing from working on natural psychological and physical processes. In other words, if all our systems are working naturally, we won't be sick.

Geenuine, high-level chi kung can overcome any diseases!
Question 7
You teach that one should not practice chi kung at noon. Is it better to skip practice or to practice at noon or 11am or 1pm, assuming it is a very busy day and that is the only possible time? Also, does not practicing at noon apply just to chi kung or also to Zen and traditional' western physical exercises? Does this apply if you are practicing indoors?
One should not practice chi kung at noon indoors or outdoors because of the alignment of heavenly bodies, like the sun and the moon, which influence us unconsciously. It is not because of the temperature. Because of certain conditions, one may practice at noon once a while, but not on a regular basis. If noon were the only time available, it is better to skip practice.
But noon is not the only time. A person can wake up earlier or go to sleep later to practice chi kung. Most types of chi kung need an hour to practice, but our chi kung, besides being genuine is also of a very high-level, needs only about 10 to 15 minutes. The cost effectiveness we derive from practicing genuine, high-level chi kung can more than compensate the extra time we get up earlier or sleep later.
Not practicing at noon applies to different aspects of Zen. If we are simple, direct and effective -- which are the characteristics of Zen -- it does not apply. If we practice sitting or standing meditation -- which are the main methods of Zen -- not practicing at noon applies.
It may not affect traditional Western physical exercises, like working in a gym, skipping a rope, playing football or punching a sandbag. Traditional Western exercises work on the physical level, and not on the energy or the spiritual level.
Question 8
I have skeletal deviations at my low, mid, and upper back and a partially compressed lumbar nerve that affects the mobility of my right hip and left lower and right upper back. I am working hard at chi kung, particularly Lifting the Sky, Carrying the Moon, Standing Meditation, Induced Chi Flow, and Plucking Stars, to alleviate this condition. At times I also perform Flicking Fingers and Clenching Fists. Through experience, I believe the answer is 'Yes', but it would inspire me to hear you confirm that.
Skeletal deviations can be overcome with genuine, high-level chi kung. Many of my students have done this. The best course of action is to attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course, or to attend a regular class taught by a qualified Shaolin Wahnam instructor. If this is not feasible, you can read from my books or webpages. In your case, you carry on with what you have been practicing, but make sure that it is genuine, high-level chi kung.
At a physical level which we usually see, our bones are solid. But at an energy level, which genuine, high-level chi kung involves, the bones are not solid but made of energy. The deviated parts of a bone are caused by blocked energy. The blocked energy is gradually removed in a genuine, high-level chi kung practice, thus making the bone normal again.
But the most important is the spiritual level. You must always have good thoughts. Intuitively think that with your chi kung practice your bones will be normal again.
In serious cases, it takes a few months to have the bones normal. If you practice on your own, you need a longer time, say about three years. Three years is actually a short time compared to a lifetime of deviation.
Selected Reading
- TThe Unbelivable Intensive Chi Kung Course
- Stopping Rain and Experiencing Cosmic Reality
- The Mechanics of Taijiquan in Overcoming Bigger, Stronger Opponents
- The Warrior Ngor Fa Kow in Wudang Kungfu
- The Heartland of South India