
: The Q & A Series will end on Apr 25 Part 1, but he Series will carry on as usual.

Sifu Ho Fatt Nam

Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, the third generation successor of the southern Shaolin Monastery

Question 1

I was wondering if you had any stories relating to Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai, the inner chamber disciple of Sitaigung Chee Kim Thong?

— Sifu Miguel, Shaolin Wahnam Utrecht


Sifu Yap Cheng Hai was the most senior disciple of Sifu Chee Kim Thong. He was the one who asked Sifu Chee Kim Thong to come out of his self-retirement to teach Wuzuquan.

I heard that Sifu Yap Cheng Hai came to my class once without my knowledge to find out whether I was teaching genuine chi kung. He then disappeared.

Sifu Yap Cheng Hai was also a famous feng shui (or geomancy) master.

I had a few occasions to work with Sifu Yap Cheng Hai when I was a judge in the Lion Dance competitions. But we seldom talked. He was the Chief Judge of the Lion Dance competitions.

Of course I know Sifu Chee Kim Thong. He rarely taught us. It was done by Sifu Chee Boon Leong, his eldest son.

Question 2

Sitaigung Chee or Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai ever met Sitaigung Ho Fatt Nam?


As far as I know, Sifu Chee Kim Thong and Sifu Yap Cheng Hai never met Sifu Ho Fatt Nam.

Vigorous Chi Flow

Vigorous Chi Flow

Question 3

How can one express emotions through the practice of Taichi Chuan and how does Xingyi relate to emotions? How can one release emotional memory which is stored in the cells expediently?

— Parveen, England


One can practice any Taijiquan and achieve a chi flow. It is the chi flow that drives native emotion away. It is the same with Xingyiquan. Generally, the more vigorous the chi flow the better unless your physical body does not want the vigorous chi flow.

When the memory is in the cells, the vigorous chi flow is preferable. But if your physical body slows down, then you let your chi flow to be spontaneous, you should remain at the slow-down.

Question 4

Why does the heart/mind have waves of highs and lows taking on the natures of water? Why does it behave like a tsunami and then at times like a reflective glass and at times like a bubbling stream?


When the heart or mind waves behave like a tsunami, a reflective glass or a bubbling stream, you should let it be, i.e. behave like a tsunami, a reflective glass or a bubbling stream.

However if your physical body slows down, you should follow it. It is always good to be natural or spontaneous.



Question 5

Is the point of Taichi to return to void/Dao yet to move through void/Dao as one? If so, what a wonderful art it is and it can benefit many people especially during these times and especially for myself.


It is the point of Taijiquan or Xingyiquan to return to the Void or to move though the Void, as we still live in the phenomenal realm. If we are perfectly transcendental, we are just undifferentiated energy.

We should make the best of the differentiated phenomenal realm. We should be happy every day, and have zest in all our activities.

Question 6

The call is getting stronger and Lao Tzu came knocking on the door. It feels as if it is time to open the door to learning Taichi and Daoism but in a slow aligned manner flowing with nature and not against like I had done before. I am a student at the beginning of this journey yet I can see myself in the future sharing the journey with women and children and I'm grateful to you and the past masters that I have the opportunity to be on this path.


Lao Tzu and all great men say the same truth, i.e. the phenomenal realm is differentiated, and the perfectly transcendental is undifferentiated.

You should be in the phenomenal realm which is differentiated. Right now you should rest. Leave the perfectly transcendental realm to the very highly spiritual. Not many people understand this.

We all have a good reason why we are in the phenomenal realm. Even the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion, Guan Yin Bodh Satt in Chinese, comes back to the phenomenal realm as she wants to save all beings. She or He as the perfectly transcendental was a Buddha before.



Question 7

Why does drinking coke remove rust?


Drinking coke can remove dust as all favourite drinks can do. If you drink water it can also remove dust.

Our Shaolin Wahnam family is wonderful. All Shaolin Wahnam members will help you.

Question 8

Sifu as you can clearly see my path and my nature, please would you be so kind to offer any guidance teachings that I can instil and practice in daily life?


You have to rest but practice your chi kung and kungfu gradually.

Being a Shaolin Wahnam chi kung healer calls for much dedication. You must have the heart of a parent, giving chi kung treatment to your patients as they were your children.

You also won't earn as much as you were a successful business person; you would be lucky if the fees you collect are enough to cover the operational cost. Hence, many chi kung healers operate part time, and they would not be bother if people go for conventional medicine.

If you have any questions, please e-mail them to Grandmaster Wong via his Secretary at stating your name, country and e-mail address.



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