JUNE 2023 PART 2

Guan Yin Bodh Satt

Guan Yin Bodh Satt

Question 1

I am again struck by Sifu's immense kindness in teaching me, sometimes the same lesson over and over again.

— John, Ireland


You will be a Wudang master one day. Remember to be kind when you are a master.

Always remember your mentor and his wife. We always remember those who are kind to us.

Tai Chi Chuan and Wudang Kungfu are different, but in our school they are the same. I find that my Shaolin Kungfu is becoming more of Tai Chi Chuan or Xingyiquan. We use our self-defence only when necessary, and usually it is not necessary. We cherish good health and happiness more.

Our arts are very powerful. We must guard against over-training. I usually train below my level. It is important to train every day.

You will be rich. When money comes, we do not know where it was hiding. But remember always be kind.

You will meet your wife. It is useful to spend some time with her, who will share her life with you. Send a thought to the Cosmos and meet a beautiful girl.

Question 2

Even if every day is the celebration of your birthday, may this historical birthday of you be especially filled with love, beauty, vibrant health, prosperity and peace.

— Sifu Rama Roberto, Blue Mountain, Costa Rica


Thank you for the special birthday greetings. Every day is my birthday.

It was thoughtful of you to celebrate my special birthday with the blessings of Guan Yin Bohd Satt.

May you, Adilaida, Simon and his family and all the people on the Blue Mountain be happy and healthy.

John O Laoidh

San Feng Wudang Set by John O Laoidh

Question 3

Thank You for everything you gave me, my dear Sigung.

— Karol, Norway


The "Eighteen Lohan Hands" teaches how to enter into a chi kung state of mind, and how to generate an energy flow. By generating an energy flow we can overcome any illness.

It isn't an exaggeration. When there is chi (or energy), there is life. By generating an energy flow, we let chi (or energy) to circulate.

Question 4

Someone asked you when he could start his stance training, and you answered that when he could develop internal force and mental clarity. I believe that stance training is very important as all kung fu patterns are all done in stances.

— Han, Hong Kong


Stance training is very important in kungfu from beginning to advanced levels. All kungfu patterns are performed in stances, and they train internal force and mental clarity.

Internal force is very important as it gives striking power behind every pattern. Even if he loses in combat, he (or she) should be able to last for some time. More importantly, internal force contributes to good health, vitality and longevity.

Mental clarity is very important as it enables him to be in a favourable position in every situation. Even if he loses, he should be able to escape, preferably unhurt.

But with the low levels of combat, many students have neither internal force nor mental clarity. Some even ask their students to go into frenzy and fight like animals.

If you just start kungfu, you should check your forms. Internal force and mental clarity can come later. I am glad that all my students at the intensive courses have internal force and mental clarity.

Horse-Riding Stance

Horse-Riding Stance

Question 5

Is cursing bad?

— Brandon, USA


Cursing is bad. It brings harm to the person cursing and the person being cursed. We must have good thoughts all the time.

Remember how happy you were when you last did a good thing. It brings happiness to the person as well as others, and happiness does wonders to good health.

Question 6

You said there were Buddhas before.


All schools of Buddhism, which you can check from the internet, do not mention Sddhartha Guatama as the founder of Buddhism.

There are two approaches to Buddhism, namely Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Later, Vajrayana Buddhism branches out from Mahayana Buddhism.

A great Bodhisattva, Asvaghosha, who was valued as a national treasure, wrote "Awakening of Faith in Mahayana". If you go to you can find "In Quest of Cosmic Reality" which is a commentary and explanation of "Awakening of Faith in Mahayana".

Another great Bodhisattva is Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha or Earth Store Bodhisattva. He voluntarily goes to hells to help beings there.

Forceful Big Windmill

Forceful Big Windmill

Question 7

The cut became infected and I went to a doctor to get antibiotics. I was wondering if Sigung has any advice for helping the wound to heal faster and getting rid of the infection?

— Sifu Miguel Spariosu, Shaolin Wahnam Utrecht


Small Universe is very good for healing. You should also finish your antibiotics.

Question 8

Thank you for your previous advice. It has helped me a lot. I was wondering if you would be willing to answer a historical question I have. Where did Sigung learn the 12 Sinew Metamorphosis exercises? Were they originally from a book? If so I was wondering which book?


The 12 Sinew Metamorphosis exercises are sometimes practiced while the practitioners are seated. There is often interchangabity between the Eighteen Lohan Hands and the 12 Exercises of Sinew Metamorphosis. In our school, Shaolin Wahnam, both the Eighteen Lohan Hands and the 12 Sinew Metamorphosis exercises are practiced standing.

I learned "Forceful Big Windmill" from my third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, who was the third generation successor of the Shaolin Monastery from Quanzhou. He only taught me "Forceful Big Windmill". He also taught me "Lifting the Sky", "Pushing Mountain" and "Carrying the Moon" at other times.

When I politely asked him to teach me the rest of the Eigteen Lohan Hands, he said that I was already healthy and should focus on kungfu. The Eighteen Lohan Hands were meant to make the Shaolin monks healthy.

I spent some time to gather the Eighteen Lohan Hands, and listed them in the order in I was very surprised when later I found them in exactly the same order I had listed them. I fancied I was at the Shaolin Monastery or some divine beings took pity on me.

I learned the 12 exercises of Sinew Metamorphosis on my own with some help form my sifu. I could learn them quite well as I already have some foundation. Later I checked with Sifu Chow Kok Chee who practiced "Thiew Hang Kung" an advanced art which are similar to Sinew Metamorphois.

The books I referred to were "Internal Arts" by Ng Har (Cantonese pronunciation) and "The Complete Book of Arts Training". "The Complete Book of Arts Training" was unnamed. These books were reproductions of early classics.

I took about 20 years to learn chi kung and about 20 years to have internal force. Students who attended my intensive courses or regional courses took only a few days. Hence, students of Shaolin Wahnam take more than 10 times the time I took when I was a student.



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