JULY 2023 PART 2

Dr Damian, Klinik Kissey, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Question 1
It is great to have the luxury of Western medication and skill of chi kung. Certainly, Sifu can drink all those sugary carbonated beverage.
— Dr Damian, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Perhaps you can engineer the coating of sugar-coated pills. This coating which does cost much to pharmaceutical companies will be enough money for you to travel.Thank you for your assurance that I can drink sugary carbonated beverages. Simu (teacher's wife) was concerned about this. I shall try getting fresh coconut water, barley water, watermelon juice, calamansi or lemon juice with honey, carrot juice and kale juice.
Question 2
Now with the restrictions to be able to travel, we do not know when we will be able to meet the Wahnam family.
— Sifu Jorge Leon, Shaolin Wahnam Barcelona, Spain
Indeed everything is crazy.
I had three vaccination shots, one of which caused me to have "Bullous Pemphigus", an autoimmune disease that is quite scary. Previously I overcame this "Bullous Pemphigus" disease which made me quite bold exclaiming that there are many diseases that are considered "incurable" in Western medicine. Now I have "Bullous Pemphigus", which is quite uncomfortable.
My wife also had three injections, but the vaccinations did her no harm.
The lockdown will soon be open, and everything will be normal. Meanwhile, I am glad that you and your family are enjoying good health. You also enjoy vitality, longevity, peak performance and spiritual joys irrespective of religion.
There will be an increase of those taking chi kung, which is an internal art. Many people in the public are unaware that they have to enter into a chi kung state of mind. If they do not enter into a chi kung state of mind, they only perform external chi kung exercises, strictly not chi kung.
A good analogy is Taijiquan (spelt "Tai Chi Chuan" in English); the practitioners do not have internal force which contributes to good health, and cannot use their Taijiquan patterns for fighting.
The Copthorne Hotel where we had our intensive courses is now closed. It is indeed a pity. Now, Wei Foong, my second daughter, had to look for another hotel.

The essence of chi kung is chi flow
Question 3
I can't describe how grateful I am for everything I have received. I feel so much joy being alive. I can't find the right words.
Thank you, for being you and doing what you do.
It is good to share. My third sifu, Sifu Ho Fatt Nam, asked me to teach chi kung irrespective of race, culture and religion. I have travelled the world for more than 20 years.
Most people practice gentle, physical exercise through they call it "chi kung". Gentle, physical exercise does not contribute to good health, vitality and longevity, and most people are unaware of it.
Question 4
Sifu, what is the best way to deal with difficult people?
— Sifu Santiago Criado, Shaolin Wahnam Salamanca
The best way is to understand them. Often it is due to mis-understanding that problem arises.
For example, someone may think that we are wise, but if we are cynical, we may think otherwise. It is good to have good thoughts always, for ourselves and other people. If we have good thoughts, we will understand. others.

The happiest moment is when I have my first child
Question 5
What are your 3 greatest lessons in life?
My 3 greatest lessons in life are:
1. to have good thoughts always, for ourselves and others.
2. to bring out the best in other people.
3. to be positive; that is, to see the bright side of things. For example, if someone is sick we wish him to get well, through chi kung or other means.
Question 6
What are the 3 happiest moments of your life?
The 3 happiest moments of my life are:
1. When I have the first child.
2. Marrying the most beautiful girl in my life.
3. Bringing out the best in other people.

Flicking Fingers
Question 7
I have heard many definitions of compassion. In your own words, what is compassion?
Compassion is giving the minimum to others. If it is necessary to kill, like when preventing further abuses, we should not torture the victim.
Question 9
You have often mentioned that the level that Shaolin Kungfu practitioners can achieve is higher when compared with Chi Kung practitioners. Why is that? Wouldn't Chi Kung advanced arts like Big Universe, Merging with the Cosmos and Sinew Metamorphosis allow practitioners to achieve the same high level?
Generally, the level of kungfu is higher than that of chi kung. For example, in chi kung we have chi (or energy) flow, which is the base of chi kung. In kungfu, we have stance training. Stance training creates more energy than chi flow. In chi kung, we have Cosmic Shower. In kungfu, we have Sinew Metamorphosis. Sinew Metamorphosis creates more energy than Cosmic Shower.In our school, Shaolin Wahnam, it is important to perform only one exercise of Sinew Metamorphosis. Performing more may lead to over-training. If we perform "Flicking Fingers", which I sometimes do, we may do so 3 times, and we create a lot of energy. We work at the mind level.
"Big Universe" and "Merging with the Cosmos" are in chi kung. "Sinew Metamorphosis" is in kungfu.
We compare the attainment of the same level. If we compare a beginner in kungfu and an advanced practitioner in chi kung, "Sinew Metamorphosis" is less advanced than "Big Universe" or "Merging with the Cosmos".
Selected Reading
- Stopping Rain and Experiencing Comsic Reality
- Who Says There is No Ground Fighting in Shaolin Kungfu?
- Flowing Characteristic of Taijiquan
- Introduction to the Thirty Six Strategies
- The Blue Mountain