My job is my hobby, giving good health and happiness to people, and it enables me to travel all over the world
Question 1
May I ask you please if you have any advice for me in getting a good job? I'm always trying to improve and I would be grateful for any insight you can share.
— Sifu Michael Chow, Canada
Many people have kindly told me that my advice on getting a good job or on starting a business is better than what they studied at a prestigious university like Harvard, or from their MBA programme.
Many people grab the first job they can get. This does not usually bring good rewards, to himself or his boss. Others examine their qualifications and abilities, and get a job that qualifies these requirements. This is more reasonable, but it is not what I advice you to do.
By the fact that you are not only a Shaolin Wahnam student but an instructor, you are elite, and elite people do elite things, not common things like looking for a job or business limited by their qualifications.
It is legitimate to ask how could one do a job well if he is not qualified to do it. I never suggest that you don't qualify for a job. I say that you choose a job you like, and then qualify yourself to do the job well.
I had this concept long ago, at the time when I was running Shaolin Wahnam Association. I discussed a few proposals for the Association with the Chairman, who was (and still is) a very successful businessman and millionaire. The Chairman liked my proposals, but he pointed out a number of problems.
I told him that the question was whether the proposals were noble and rewarding, for the Association and other people, and if they were we would carry them out, irrespective of the problems, and overcome the problems as we come to them. The Chairman was very impressed with my concept, remarking that had I put it into business I would be very successful.
Here are some factors regarding your job that you should consider:
- Whether it is noble. One may earn a lot of money stealing trade secrets from other companies, but I don't consider the job noble.
- Whether it will bring you the type of income you want. It is noble working as a volunteer in a hospital, but it does not bring me the income I want.
- Whether you like the job. This is important. If you cannot do what you like, at least you must like what you do.
- Whether you still have free time to spend with your parents, friends or hobbies. There are other enjoyable and important things in life besides doing a job well.
- Whether it is necessary to invest a lot of time and money to learn the job. If you want to be a doctor, you need to spend many years studying in a university. To be a chi kung healer helping patients overcome so-called incurable diseases needs less time. When you are equally successful, you earn more money than a doctor and have more free time.
- Whether there is leverage in your job. As a doctor or healer, you treat one patient at a time. As a teacher you can teach one hundred students at the same time.
- Whether you are limited by location and clients. If you are a car mechanic, your area of operation and potential clients are localized. If you are a computer consultant, you area of operation and potential clients are world-wide.
So, instead of looking for a particular job, you look for jobs that fulfill these considerations well. When you get the job you want, qualify yourself to do the job well. It is well known that many successful people do not do the job they prepared themselves for at university. They learned doing the job well while doing it.
For elite people in Shaolin Wahnam like you, it really does not matter what job you do, yet you can do it well. You can be very successful and enjoy your job, for example, as a pencil salesman or scientific report writer even when you know little about pencils and science!
But you have to do your job well and enjoy it. You must also ensure that the money that goes to your company or your boss as a result of doing your job is more than the money it or he pays you for doing the job. This is our honour, and it also contributes to our job satisfaction.
Question 2
Can an elderly person heal from Parkinson's/Alzheimer's/Lyme's Disease by coming only once for the 3 days to Malaysia, and then continuing practice at home? Or does it involve having to return there for additional courses or treatments?
— Elizabeth, USA
Yes, any person, including an elderly one, can be healed from Parkinson's/Alzheimer's/Lyme's Disease by coming only once for the 3-day Intensive Chi Kung Course in Malaysia and then continuing to practice at home.
It is unlikely that the patient will be healed during the course itself. He has to continue practicing at home for about 15 minutes in the morning and another about 15 minutes in the evening or at night.
It takes about 6 months of daily practice to be healed of the disease. There is no need to return for additional course or treatment. However, there is no guarantee that the patient will certainly be healed, as recovery depends on other factors too, like whether the patient continues to practice. Many people have been healed in this way.

Intensive Chi Kung Course
Question 3
Do you teach additional levels of qi gong to those interested?
Yes, there are additional courses taught by me for those who are interested.
But you and your father need not attend more courses if you do not want to. The Intensive Chi Kung Course will be more than enough. In fact, for overcoming pain and illness, just the first day of the course will be sufficient. The second day focuses on peak performance, and the third day on spiritual cultivation irrespective of religion.
It may be hard for some people to believe, but it is true that the Intensive Chi Kung Course ranges from beginners' level to masters' level in just three days. Many masters may not be able to perform some of the skills taught at the course, like directing energy to various parts of the body, and tapping energy from the Cosmos.
Question 4
For someone who wants to completely heal from such an intense disease, how many hours a day should he expects to practice?
He should practice for only about 15 minutes a session, and two sessions a day, once in the morning and another time in the evening or at night. The exercises are simple to perform, and students usually enjoy practicing them.
In fact it is not advisable for students to practice more than twice a day, about 15 minutes a session, because the energy produced is quite powerful.

A Bone Marrow Cleansing course in England
Question 5
Do you know of anyone in the United States trained by you who achieve the same results with Parkinsons/Alzheimers/Lyme Disease? I do not know that my father will travel. I hope he would, but I do not know. Travel is very hard on him.
We have some very good instructors and healers in the United States and many countries trained by me. These instructors and healers have produced good results. Please see our lists of Certifed Instructors and Chi Kung Healers for details.
If your father wants not only to be free from his illness but also to have good health and vitality, he has to travel to Malaysia to take my course or to consult our certified instructors or healers. It is his choice -- to remain at home and suffer from a so-called incurable disease for life, or to make some effort and be healthy and have vitality and longevity.
Question 6
For myself, are there any scholarships available? I have been ill with Lyme disease from 18 to now 46, and have gone medically bankrupt, am on Medicare/disability for pain/cogitive issues/depression. I am getting better, and I still have a long way to go.
We do not provide scholarships.
I am sorry to hear of your health conditions.
I would strongly recommend you to attend my Intensive Chi Kung Course. You will be surprised at the good health and vitality you will get as a result. The testimonials at may be an inspiration for you.

There is no need to learn from me for an extended period. Practicing energy flow learned from me at any course would enable you to overcome pain and illness.
Question 7
Because of this, I am wondering if I can train with you for a long period of time. Do you ever have students move there or stay residentially? If so, what is the cost?
It is not necessary for you to train with me for a long period of time. You just have to attend the Intensive Chi Kung Course for three days. But it is important that you need to continue to practice on your own.
For the purpose of good health and vitality, even if you can remember only one-tenth of what you will learn at the course, but you continue to practice it daily, it will be sufficient. Like many things in our school, it is incredible but true.
Question 8
Is there a way to go to the qi gong workshop myself, and then go to my father, and transmit qi to him/teach him, in case he will not come?
No, you should not do that. It may bring harm to you and your father. Worse of all, it debases qigong to some form of gentle physical exercise, which actually has happened. More than 80% of qigong practitioners today all over the world actually practice gentle physical exercise though they honestly think it is qigong.
One has to be properly trained to be a healer. It is not just to attend a course and then teach or heal others.
It is also not what types of exercises a person practices to heal himself. If this were true, there would not be so many sick people in the world today.
It is the skills of practicing the exercises that is important. Students can acquire the skills in three days because I transmit the skills to them. If they develop the skills on their own, it would take them a few years if they ever succeed.
Selected Reading
- A Strategy in Seven Steps!
- Cultivating Spirit and Training Energy
- Having Reach and Threat in Attack
- Receive Wind Bend Willow
- Swimming Dragon Baguazhang Set