Carrying the Moon

Carrying the Moon

Question 1

I'm working as a full time hypnotherapist now. I have found a way of hypnosis, which is based on energy work and it works astonishingly well with my clients. But it depletes my energies. When I leave my clinic after intense sessions I feel depleted and tired.

— Name and Country Withheld


You can replenish the energy lost by practicing our chi kung. You can use any exercise, but effective ones are Lifting the Sky, Carrying the Moon, and Pushing Mountain.

At an advanced stage, you can let cosmic energy flow through you as you do your energy work, i.e. you act like a conduit. But be careful not to pick up negative energy from your clients.

Editorial Note: Other questions from the enquirer can be found at August 2017 Part 3 issue of the Question-Answer Series.

Question 2

Sometimes, as the system is metaphysical, I also ask ghosts to leave and not bother the client anymore, because a lot of, specially addictions problems, are based on attached ghosts. And that works also very well, because the problems of the clients cease to exist. I often have to ask Jesus to help, which he does, but it is very intense work.


Exorcism, i.e. asking ghosts to leave your students or clients, is not part of our chi kung. You should leave that to professional exorcists, though you may sometimes use our arts to help some students or clients. Always bless the ghosts when they leave.

Jesus is one of the greatest of teachers. You should feel refreshed, not depleted, after seeking his help.

Cloud Hands

Cloud Hands in Dragon Strength

Question 3

Most of the time I assume a bright light from my dan tian to radiate and protect me, or a golden ball around me, which only allows good energy to come in. But I'm not sure if this is enough? What would you recommend?


Visualizing a bright light radiating from your dan tian, or a golden ball around you is a good way to protect negative energy flowing into you. It is enough for protection purposes.

But you may still feel drained if energy is draining away from you to your clients. An effective way is to be a conduit. Let cosmic energy flow through you to your clients, instead of draining from you to your clients.

Another effective way is to let your clients tap energy from the Cosmos to cleanse themselves, instead of using your own energy.

Question 4

How to protect my energy as a healer with hypnosis which is very energetic based?


There are two main ways.

  1. Be a conduit. Let cosmic energy flow through you to your client instead of draining from you.
  2. Use hypnosis that does not drain you, like suggestions or auto-suggestions.

Embracing the Sum

Sending love using "Embracing the Sun"

Question 5

I observed that this is a common issue among energetically working people and they all say it is normal, as it is energy work. What is your opinion on that ? I do not think it should be normal.


No, it is not normal in the sense that it is natural. But it is normal in the sense that it happens to many therapists.

Energy work means effective management of energy. If energy is drained away from therapists in their work, then their energy work is not effective. They can remedy the defects by replenishing their energy lost with genuine chi kung, or act as a conduit.

It is common for therapists to be drained because they do not practice genuine chi kung. Some may practice genuine chi kung techniques as gentle physical exercise, but they are not aware of it.

Question 6

Cloud Hands as practiced in Taijiquan is primarily executed through waist rotation with minimal hand movement via the Goat Stance. Cloud Hands as practiced in Dragon Strength is executed through maximum hand movement with no waist rotation via the Horse Stance.

What is the difference in the force developed between Cloud Hands as practiced in Taijiquan and Cloud Hands as practiced in Dragon Strength? What are the benefits?

— Stephen, USA


If all other things were equal, Cloud Hands in Dragon Strength is more powerful than Cloud Hands in Taijiquan.

In Dragon Strength, energy flows from the dan tian of the exponent to his arms to make them powerful and fast. A strike by the palm or any part of the arm results in tremendous internal force from the exponent striking an opponent. The energy used in the strike is replenished from the Cosmos.

In Taijiquan, waist rotation manifests the principle of using minimum force against maximum strength. When an opponent attacks, instead of the exponent using his arm to block the strike, he uses his arm in contact with the strike and by rotating his waist, deflects the strike away. It may also result in the opponent falling forward to be closer to the exponent for a counter-strike.

Cloud Hands in Dragon Strength generates a lot of force and speed. These benefits are not only in the palms and arms, but can be channelled to other parts of the body. In other words, by practicing Cloud Hands, a Dragon Strength practitioner can be powerful and fast in any movements, not only in his arms and palms.

Cloud Hands in Taijiquan manifests waist rotation, which applies the principle of using minimum force against maximum strength. It may be a surprise to many people that Cloud Hands in Taijiquan can be used to counter any attack, be it a strike, kick, felling attack or chin-na. So by practicing Cloud Hands, a Taijiquan practitioner understands the philosophy of using minimum force against maximum strength, and therefore can apply any pattern, not just Cloud Hands, against any forceful attack.

Flow Method

The flow method in Taijiquan

Question 7

What is the difference in effects between Smiling from the Heart and Sending Love using Embracing the Sun?

— Omar, UK


Smiling from the Heart is more transcendental, whereas Sending Love using Embracing the Sun is more phenomenal.

Other people may not understand the answer though they know the dictionary meaning of all the words used, but our Shaolin Wahnam members should have no problem because they have direct experience of the transcendental and the phenomenal, even though those who did not attend the UK Summer Camp might not know what Sending Love using Embracing the Sun was.

When a practitioner smiles from his heart, the effects are general and pervasive. Not only he himself feels wonderful, the benefit is also spread to other people directly and indirectly. When he sends love using Embracing the Sun, the effects are specific and limited. He himself may feel wonderful but probably less than in smiling from the heart, and the benefit is limited to the one or those he sends love to.

In Smiling from the Heart, the benefit is focused on the performer, though others can also benefit as explained above. In Sending Love using Embracing the Sun, the benefit is focused on the person or persons love is sent to, though again the performer can also benefit.

Thirdly, Smiling from the Heart deals with joy, whereas Sending Love deals with love. Though joy and love are related, we may still make a difference. Both joy and love are wonderful feelings, and both Smiling from the Heart and Sending Love using Embrcing the Sun are beneficial exercises.

Question 8

Sifu, what do you think is more powerful, flowing force or consolidated force?

— Sifu Tim Frankflin, Shaolin Wahnam UK


Personally I think flowing force is more powerful. Many people, even when they have a chance to practice both flowing force and consolidated force, may think consolidated force is more powerful. This is because consolidated force is more localized, and thus give them a feeling of being more powerful.

On the other hand, it may not just be a feeling. It is actually that their consolidated force is more powerful than their flowing force. This is because it needs much time and a lot of skills to make flowing force more powerful than consolidated force. At the initial stage, consolidated force is more powerful.

But flowing force is certainly safer and more beneficial than consolidated force. It is easier to make mistakes consolidating force. Flowing force is more versatile. Not only it gives practitioners a lot of internal force, it also enhances their health, vitality and longevity.

I had an interesting experience teaching Iron Wire in Barcelona many years ago. The orthodox way to develop internal force in Iron Wire is to consolidate force. As all the practitioners also know flowing force, I taught them to use flowing force instead of consolidating force when developing internal force in their Iron Wire training. Then they used consolidating force. They made a comparison. Without a single exception, all the practitioners found flowing force more powerful than consolidated force in their Iron Wire training.



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