Chi Kung, Eighteen Jewels, Eighteeen Lohan Hands

Using Lifting the Sky to Generate an Energy Flow
Using Carrying the Moon to Generate an Energy Flow
Self-Manifested Chi Movement to Prevent or Overcome
any Illness
Attaining Mental Clarity for Peak Performance with
Developing Internal Force for Peak Performance using Pushing Mountain
Cosmic Shower -- Cleansing Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually
Cosmic Shower -- Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Nourishing
Chi Kung Without using any Chi Kung Exercise
Running Without Feeling Tired and Without Panting for Breaths
Directing Chi to Various Parts of the Body
Let Chi (Qi) Work for You
Essence of Intensive Chi Kung Course

Fish Flip
Dancing Fairy
Swinging Hips
Bear Walk
Immortal Takes off Shoes
Dragonfly Plays with WAter
White Crane Steps on Snow
Drumming Kidneys
Touching Toes
Old Man Rows Boat
Shaking Fingers
Rocking Feet
Kicking Legs
Hula Hoop
General Surveys Field
Dancing Butterfly
Embracing Buddha
Eighteen Jewels -- Overview

Shooting Arrows
Turning Head
Pluckimng Stars
Punching with Big Rounded Eyes
Carrying the Moon
Nourishing Kidneys
Three Levels to Ground
Dancing Crane
Carrying Montain
Drrawing Sabre
Presenting Claws
Pushing Mountain
Separating Water
Big Windmill
Deep Knee Bending
Rotating Knees
Eighteen Lohan Hands -- Overview
Courses and Classes