Traveling Dragon Sword

Carry Moon in Bosom

A picture-series and a video series of the set can be found here and here respectively.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword
Sequence 2
Sequence 3
Sequence 3
Sequence 4

Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword
Sequence 5
Sequence 5
Sequence 6
Sequence 6

Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword
Sequence 7
Sequence 8
Sequence 8
Sequence 8

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or the caption below

Learning the Traveling Dragon Sword -- Part 4 from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

Shaolin Traveling Dragon Sword

  1. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Importance of Wrist Movement
  2. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Sequences 1 to 4
  3. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Sequences 5 to 6
  4. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Sequences 2 to 8
  5. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Sequences 8 to 11
  6. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Sequences 10 to 12
  7. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Specific Techniques
  8. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Dark Phoenix Flaps Wings
  9. Traveling Dragon Sword -- Against Sabre and Samurai Sword

