The Taijiquan Four-Attack Set
Taijiquan is not a dance; it is a wonderful internal martial art, where a skillful practitioner can be combat effective irrespective of age, sex and size. In other words, a slander elderly woman proficient in Taijiquan can defend herself against a muscular young man.
In our school, combat sequences form a crucial aspect in our sparring methodology. There are 12 Basic Taijiquan Combat Sequence. These 12 are distilled into 8 Distilled Combat Sequences, which in turn are abridged into 4 Abridged Combat Sequencees. These 4 abridged combat sequences were first taught in Japan in December 2007, and then in Portugal in March 2008.
The 4 combat sequences are linked together to form a set, called Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set, or “Tai Ji Si Lu Si Ji Quan” in Chinese (Mandarin), because it employs Taijiquan techniques in four combat sequences incorporating all the four categories of attack and defence, namely striking, kicking, felling and chin-na. Hence, this set, though short, is complete by itself in combat application.
Some critics, as usual, may not be happy with the way we name our Taijiquan sets. That is their problem, not ours, and we need not argue with them. But it is pertinent to note that it is in line with Taijiquan tradition in the past. For example, records show that there were many sets in Chen Style Taijiquan, named as "Yeit Lou Pao Khuen", "Yi Lou Pao Khuen", or "First Sequence Cannon Set", "Second Sequence Cannnon Set", etc.
Taijiquan Four Abridged Combat Sequences from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
We would like to express our thanks to Sifu Riccardo and Carlos from Shaolin Wahnam Portugal for recording these videos.
This "Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set" has been revised to make it more systematic for easy learning, and has been renamed Old Eagle Catches Snake.
1. Fundamental Movements in Taijiquan
2. Pushing Hands and Striking Hands
3. Kicks and Felling Techniques in Sequence Sparring
4. Elegance and Flow in Taijiquan
5. General Survey of the Course
6. Four Abridged Taijiquan Combat Sequences
7. Taijiquan Four-Sequence Four-Attack Set
Courses and Classes