Course participants practicing various spear techniques
Various ways of thrusting the spear, like reverse-thrusts and side-thrusts, are further demonstrated and explained in this video series. The deadly “reverse-thrust on the ground” is also shown.
Besides the spear thrust, there are of course many other effective spear techniques. Techniques like “circling”, “flicking” and “lifting” are demonstrated.
A picture-series and a video series of the set can be found here and here respectively.
Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos
The Three Fundamental Patterns of the Spear
The class goes over the patterns of the set learnt thus far. This is Sequence 1 of the set, and is composed of the three fundamental patterns “Traveling Dragon Rolls Water”, “Green Dragon Rolls Heaven” and “Green Dragon Shoots Pearl”, implementing the circling and the thrusting techniques.
Two Deadly Spear Techniques
This is Sequence 2 of the set, and includes the two deadly patterns, “Return Horse Spear Technique” and “Poisonous Snake Basking in Mist”. Notice that the pattern “Green Dragon Shoots Pearl” is performed here without circling the spear. Do you know when it is preferable to circle the spear, and when it is not necessary?
The Reverse-Thrust, the Flick and the Lift
This is the first part of Sequence 3. The pattern "Poisonous Snake Basking in Mist" implements a deadly spear technique known in Chinese (Cantonese) as "wooi-tau-ha-ma-cheong". Literally meaning "return-head-low-horse-spear", it is a reverse-thrust executed on the ground. There are also some effective spear techniques like the "flick" and the "lift".
Reverse-Thrust and Side-Thrusts
This is the middle part of Sequence 3, containing some thrusting techniques. They include the deadly reversed-thrust in “Return Horse Spear Technique”, and the side-thrusts of “Bend Body Pierce Tiger” and “Reversed Bending Pierce Tiger”.
Special Ways of Thrusting the Spear
Except for another pattern which will be shown later, this is the completion of Sequence 3. It contains thrusting with feet together, and thrusting with one hand. What advantages can be obtained from these special ways of thrusting the spear? The class enjoys a chi flow after their practice.
You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or the caption below
Learning Various Spear Techniques, like Circling, Flicking and Lifting from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
Review of UK Summer Camp 2007 Weapon Course
Traveling Dragon Spear and its Combat Applications
Introducing the Traveling Dragon Thirteen-Technique Spear
The Circling and the Thrusting Techniques of the Spear
Using the Spear against the Butterfly Knives and the Big Knife
Spear Counters against the Downward Chop and the Reversed Sweep of a Big Knife
The Spear against the Versatile Three-Sectional Staff
Circling and Shooting against Various Sweeps
Once you have the Skills, learning Techniques become Fast and Easy
.Sharing Secrets of the Spear
The Shoot -- the Most Representative and Most Deadly of Spear Techniques
Learning Various Spear Techniques like Circling, Flicking and Lifting
How would you Counter the Downward Chop of a Big Knife?
Using the Spear like a Dagger or a Staff
The Spear Thrust and the Spear Shoot
Reviewing the first Five Sequences of the Set
Outside-Door and Inside-Door Applications
Covering the Four Corners against All Attacks
Remarkable Achievement at the Weapon Course
Making Flowers with the Spear
Various Ways of Making Flowers
Confusing your Opponents with Variations and Changes in Making Flowers
Learning the Spear Set in just Two Days
The Difference between Patterns and Techniques
The Thirteen Techniques of the Traveling Dragon Spear