Shaolin Tantui

How to counter a chin-na attack

Although Tantui sequences look simple in solo performance, their combat applications are profound. Here you can see the class reviewing the first three Tantui combat sequences. You can find the formidable iron-rod-like attacks in Sequence 3. How would you counter such attacks? And what would you do if an opponent applies such counters on you?

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui
Sequence 1
Sequence 2
Sequence 3 Initiator

Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui
Sequence 3 Responder
Two Iron Rods
Countering Iron Rods

Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui
Countering Iron Rods
Throwing Punch
Countering Chin-Na

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or the caption below

Simple in Solo Performance, Profound in Combat Application from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

Tantui Course at UK Summer Camp 2007

Other reviews of Tantui courses held in Toronto and Frankfurt can be found at

Tantui, the Essence of Northern Shaolin