Shaolin Tantui

Sifu Simon neutralizes a triple attack from Martin

How would you counter an opponent attacking you continuously. One effective way is to intercept his attack and counter attack. But a skillful exponent can neutralize the counter-attack and continue his pressing attacks.

This is shown in Combat Sequence 10 where the exponent first presses in with triple attacks, and after neutralizing a counter-attack, continue to press in with continuous kicks. The combat sequence is known as “Arrow Spring”. Indicating that the pressing attacks are fast like arrows and coupled with spring-kicks.

Please click the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui
Counter Attack
Working Out

Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui
Triple Attacks
Continuous Kicks
Combat Sequence 10

Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui Shaolin Tantui
Arrow Spring
Arrow Spring
Combat Sequence 10

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or the caption below

Pressing Attacks with Continuous Spring Kicks from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

Tantui Course at UK Summer Camp 2007

Other reviews of Tantui courses held in Toronto and Frankfurt can be found at

Tantui, the Essence of Northern Shaolin