Shaolin Kung Fu Combat Application

Applying Shaolin Kungfu spontaneously in free sparring

Students may be able to use kungfu patterns in pre-arranged combat sequence training, but can they still use kungfu patterns effectively and spontaneously in free sparring? Yes, they can if they are systematically trained.

The video series here show course participants of the Intensive Shaolin Kungfu Course of October 2006 progress from using kungfu patterns in combat sequences to using kungfu patterns in free sparring. The combat sequences used here are Sequences 13 to 16, which deal with felling and gripping techniques.

First, there is full control. The control is gradually and systematically released until eventually they are sparring freely. This is achieved through various steps in our sparring methodology, like continuation, external change and internal change, and through the progress of addition and subtraction.

Please chick the pictures or the captions below to view the videos

“Shaolin” Being Fluid and Spontaneous in Patterns and Sequences

Course participants practice the various patterns and sequences used in the combat application. Being fluid and spontaneous in performing the patterns and sequences contribute to combat efficiency.

“Shaolin” Many Ways of Form Practice

There are many ways with various objectives in form practice. You may, for example, just go over the sequence so that you can perform the patterns smoothly; or you may repeat certain patterns many times to correct some mistakes or to master them, or you may use the forms to develop force or speed.

“Shaolin” Purpose and Direction in Form Practice

Form practice is an essential aspect of kungfu training, but it must be done with purpose and direction. Many kungfu practitioners, however, have no idea of any purpose or direction when they practice forms, except perhaps for pleasing spectators, in which case their forms become flowery fists and embroidery kicks.

“Shaolin” Bringing the Forms Alive

Course participants now bring their forms alive in combat application. They employ some useful guideline from their combat sequence training to enable them to use kungfu techniques and tactics spontaneously in their attack and defence, but their sparring partners could not predetermine the patterns involved.

“Shaolin” From Pre-arranged to Spontaneous Movements

All the movements here are spontaneous and not pre-arranged. How could the participants use kungfu patterns spontaneously in both attack and defence? It is the result of their systematic combat training. But the sparring here is not totally free. They have to follow some conditions, like using patterns from their combat sequences and not just any patterns. For convenience we may call this conditional free sparring.

“Shaolin” Using Kungfu in Free Sparring is Possible and Effective

Conditions are gradually released until eventually the course participants are free sparring using Shaolin Kungfu. Their performance here is an indication and inspiration that using kungfu patterns in free sparring, instead of using Kick-Boxing or free-style fighting, is possible and effective.

“Shaolin” Can Kungfu Techniques be Used against a Non-Kungfu Exponent?

The course participants can use their kungfu patterns when their opponents also use kungfu in the sparring. But can the participants still spar well if their opponents use non-kungfu techniques, like Boxing, Kick-Boxing or Wrestling? Of course, if the participants are systematically trained. In fact it would be generally easier to spar or fight against a non-kungfu exponent. If one is untrained in combat, like many kungfu dancers are, he would likely be defeated irrespective of what martial arts his opponent uses.

“Shaolin” Is it Effective Against Non-Kungfu Opponents?

Why is it generally easier to spar or fight against a non-kungfu exponent? It is because Shaolin Kungfu is most sophisticated. If you can spar or fight against an opponent using the most sophisticated art, it would be easier if he uses a less sophisticated one. However, initially you would have some difficulty as you may not be familiar with the way he fights. But once you have overcome this initial difficulty, sparring with an opponent using a less sophisticated art would logically be easier.

“Shaolin” The Importance of Skills in Combat

Although Shaolin Kungfu is the most sophisticated, it does not necessarily mean that a Shaolin exponent will beat opponents of other styles. An opponent's art may be less sophisticated than yours, but if he is more skillful he will beat you. If he is faster, more powerful or more experienced in fighting, for example, he may beat you using only simple techniques.

You can view all the videos above by clicking the picture or the caption below

From Combat Sequences of Shaolin Kungfu to Free Sparring from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.

Fundamental Shaolin Kungfu Training Programme of Shaolin Wahnam

1. Stances: the Foundation for Internal Force and Combat Efficiency
2. Footwork Secrets for Health, Efficiency and Elegance
3. Moving into a Same Direction using Different Ways to Gain Advantages
4. Picture-Perfect Forms and Flowing Movements
5. From Random Fighting to Patterns, and from Patterns to Sequences and Sets

6. One-Step Sparring to Develop Combat Skills
7. From Pre-Arranged Sparring to Guided Sparring
8. Using Techniques and Tactics in Sparring

9. The Five Basic Kicks
10. The Secrets of Side Kicks and Continuous Cannons
11. How You may Defeat Opponents Experienced in Random Free Sparring
12. How Would a Fragile Girl Counter a Powerful Sweeping Kick from a Muay Thai Fighter?

13. Shaolin Felling Techniques and their Defences
14. Safety First Before Executing Felling Techniques

15. From Combat Sequences to Free Sparring
16. Sixteen Combat Sequences and Five Kungfu Sets
17. Surprise your Attacker with a Counter-Attack

18. Working out Ways to Fight a Boxer
19. Effective Tactics and Techniques against Boxers
20. From Gross Outline to Fine Details
21. Exploiting Advantage to Clinch Victory
22. Variety of Kungfu Techniques against Boxers
23. Analysis of Techniques Used against Boxers
24. Using Shaolin Kunfu against Boxing in Free Sparring

25. Effective Shaolin Tactics and Techniques against Kick-Boxing
26. Shaolin Kungfu against Kick-Boxing in Free Sparring

27. How to Handle a Karate Exponent
28. How to Handle a Taekwondo Exponent
29. How to Handle a Wrestling Exponent

30. Understanding the Typical Attacks of Muay Thai Fighters
31. Grandmaster Ho's Secrets in Countering Muay Thai Fighters
32. First Avoid Defeat, Then Secure Victory
33. Counteroing the Elbow and Knee Attacks of Muay Thai Fighters


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