Grandmaster Wong explaining why we can cultivate internal force and spiritual expansion by practicing Shaolin Kungfu
Why is it that we can develop internal force and mental clarity by practicing our kungfu (Shaolin Kungfu as well as Wahnam Taijiquan)? A short, simple answer is that our kungfu is also chi kung and meditation.
That explains why we can develop a lot of internal force and mental clarity by practicing zhan zhuang, or stance training. It is because zhan zhuang, which is an important aspect of kungfu, is chi kung and meditation.
It also explains why we can spar for many hours yet are not tired, and why we experience spiritual expansion. Our sparring is another important aspect of kungfu, and is therefore also chi kung and meditation. We are not tired because we are relaxed while sparing. We can still be powerful because we let cosmic energy flow through us. We experience spiritual expansion because we open our heart and set our spirit free.
Our Kungfu is Chi Kung

In our school, “kungfu” is “chi kung”. In other words, when you practice Shaolin Kungfu, you are also practicing chi kung at the same time, without having to bring in other chi kung exercises. After working out their combat sequences, the course participants enjoy some chi flow. We can derive much benefit from this practice because we have a sound understanding of the philosophy of chi kung, kungfu and good health.
The Chi Flow Movements are Spontaneous

The chi flow movements of kungfu practitioners are very interesting. As shown in the video clip, some move vigorously, some hit themselves, and some make funny noises. All these movements are spontaneous and “involuntary”, that is they are not moved by conscious muscular tension. Nevertheless, the participants can control the movements if they want to. Chi flow is natural, it is not religious nor spiritualistic.
Benefits of Chi Flow

Obviously, it is not for novelty that we practice our chi flow. It has many benefits, amongst which are overcoming pain and illness, giving us good health, vitality and longevity, and enabling us to perform our kungfu movements fast, forcefully and without feeling tired.
Our Kungfu is Meditation

After enjoying chi flow, the course participants return to Zen in Standing Meditation. Hence, our kungfu is also meditation. It can be practiced at different levels with a wide range of benefits. At the lowest level, participants are fresh and relaxed. At the highest level, they return to God. It is spiritual but non-religious.
How does Stance Training Develop Internal Force

With most of the video clips showing combat application, we must not forget that force training is equally important. The most important single method to develop internal force is “zhan zhuang” or stance training. How does stance training, where you remain at the same pose, develop internal force?
Mental Clarity and Spiritual Expansion

Stance training also develops mental clarity and expands the spirit. How does this happen? When you practice stance training, you clear your mind of all thoughts. When you mind is clear (of all thoughts) you attain mental clarity. You also open your heart, which sets your spirit free and it expands into the Cosmos.
Let Cosmic Energy Flow through You

Why you can be so powerful yet not tired? It is because you don't tense your muscles and you make use of cosmic energy. You let cosmic energy flow through you. Many people may have read these expressions or use them, “make use of cosmic energy” and “let cosmic energy flow through you”, but they would not know what the expressions really mean. But we know from direct experience.
Sparring for Hours Without being Tired

We can spar for hours yet we are not tired or panting for breaths. There are two main reasons. One, we are relaxed, we do not tense our muscles. Two, we let our energy flow which enables us to perform our movements without using muscular tension.
Our Kungfu is a Training of Energy and Mind from Wong Kiew Kit on Vimeo.
How to Think and Act as a Master
- Returning to the Basics
- Form, Force, Flow and Element of Threat
- Reviewing the Basic Combat Sequences
- Devising Strategies Using Combat Sequences
- Applying Strategies for Effective Combat
- Free Sparring with Prescribed Conditions
- Combat Sequences to Train Spontaneous Attacks and Responses
- Using Strategies and Tactics in Attack and Defence
- It is Heartening to see so Many People Using Kungfu in Free Sparring
- Felling and Gripping Techniques in Shaolin Kungfu
- How Sequence Training and Chi Flow Enhance Combat Efficiency
- The Tiger-Crane Set — Manifesting the Hard and the Soft in Shaolin Kungfu
- The Dragon-Tiger Set — Crystallization of Two Wahnam Traditions
- The Dragon-Form Set — Demonstrating that Softness Can be Very Powerful
- Shaolin Monkey Set — Symbolizing Spiritual Path from Cheekiness to Enlightenment
- Shaolin Five-Animal Set — Gist of Shaolin Forms and Essence
- Shaolin Pakua Set Set — An Exclusive Set Fit for Kings and Generals
- Combat Application pf Pakua — Sharing Secrets for Combat Efficiency
- Beginning to Learn some Monkey Tricks
- Refining Techniques in Combat
- Some Examples of High level Combat
- Collective Effort for Greater Benefits
- Can Sophisticated Kungfu Techniques be Used in Combat?
- Skills are usually More Important than Techniques
- One-Finger Shooting Zen — the Treasure of Shaolin Wahnam
- Raising Levels of Techniques and Tactics in Combat
- Bringing Combat Skills to More Sophisticated Levels
- Monkey Techniques are Flowing and Agile but can be Very Devastating
- Flowing with the Opponent's Momentum
- Beware of the Monkey Tricks
- Marvelous Techniques Beget Marvelous Techniques
- How to Raise your Level of Combat
- How you can Defeat your Opponents
- Employing Sophisticated Kungfu Techniques to Enhance Combat Efficiency
- Systematic Training is Essential for Combat Efficiency
- Raising Combat Efficiency from Basic to Advanced Levels
- Kungfu Philosophy and Swaying Willows
- Hands Pave the Way, Kicks to Clinch Victory
- Six Harmonies of the Double Tiger Claws
- The Amazement and Effectiveness of Monkey Kicks
- A Bag Full of Monkey Tricks
- Gentle and Flowing, yet Very Powerful
- Can your Responses still be Correct and Spontaneous in Real Fights?
- Incorporating Kicks into Combat Sequences
- Elaborate Patterns to Meet Complex Combat Situations
- The Benefits of Understanding and Applying Kungfu Philosophy
- Our Kungfu is a Training of Energy and Mind
- Ensuring Own Safety when Felling Opponents
- The Beauty and Profundity of Shaolin Felling Techniques
- Felling Techniques of the Dragon and the Monkey
- Felling an Opponent Without him Realizing What has Happened
- Pattern Analysis of the Tiger-Crane Set
- Tiger Patterns for Chin-Na, Against Kicks and Countering the Shoot
- Pattern Analysis of the Dragon-Tiger Set
- Revealing the Secret Tactic of Leak Hand
- From the Level of Techniques to the Levels of Tactics and Strategies
- Pattern Analysis of the Dragon-Form Set
- Effective Techniques for Fighting on the Ground
- Pattern Analysis of the Monkey Set
- Soft Techniques and Internal Force in Monkey Kungfu
- Interesting Monkey Patterns that are Deadly for Combat
- Pattern Analysis of the Pakua Set
- Pattern Analysis of the Five-Animal Set
- Variety of Techniques in Shaolin Five Animals
- Investigating the Combat Applications of Some Patterns
- Similar Patterns but Different Applications
- Effective Counters against Kicks, Grips and Knee Jabs
- Secrets of Skyward Cannon Punch in Continuous Attack
- Cannon Punch Towards Sky and Fierce Tiger Crouching on Ground
- Flowing Monkey Techniques against Powerful Tiger Claws
- Sophisticated Grips and Sophisticated Counters
- Breaking an Opponent's Elbow and Wrist
- Neutralizing Wrist Lock and the Three Harmonies
- Advanced Chin-Na Techniques and Counters
- Two Stories about Kicks
- How to Respond to Attacks Spontaneously and Correctly
- Can Beautiful Patterns and Flowing Movements be Effective in Combat?
- Linking Combat Sequences into a Set
- From Pre-Arranged Sparring to Combat Efficiency
- Crystalization of Combat Techniques from Past Masters
- Hei Sai or the Spirit of Energy
- Manifesting the Energy and Spirit of your Form
- Manifesting the Spirit of the Form
- Kungfu Practice is not just Physical Training but also Spiritual Cultivation
- Fluidity of Form, Energy and Spirit
- Shaolin Kungfu is Chi Kung and Meditation
- Revealing the Secrets of Shaolin Masters
- The Profundity of Shaolin Combat Application
- It is Easy to Fight against Boxers
- Avoiding a Boxer's Strong Points and Attacking his Weaknesses
- Some Effective Tactics against Boxers
- The Strategy of Not Allowing an Opponent to Escape
- The Strategy of Letting Trick Manifesting Trick
- The Strategies of Interception and of Striking Form
- Standardized Routines of Kick-Boxing Attacks
- Some Effective Counters to Kick-Boxing Attacks
- Felling a Kick-Boxer when he Kicks
- The Secrets of Two Tigers Subdue Dragon
- Shaolin Counters against Kick-Boxing and Karate
- Some Important Combat Philosophy and Principles
- It is Relatively Easy to Handle Karate Attacks
- Good Spacing When Executing Kicks
- A Variety of Taekwondo Kicks
- Effective Shaolin Counters against Taekwondo Kicks
- Trapping Legs and Subduing Opponents
- Making Expedient Changes to Surprised Attacks
- The Legacy of Sigung Ho Fatt Nam — Planting Willow in Front of Camp
- Having Fun in Throws and their Counters
- Sharing the Secret of Move Stance Change Step
- Some Unorthodox Felling Techniques Not Commonly Seen
- Felling Opponents with your Stances!
- Beware of Monkeys; they are Expert at Plucking Peaches
- Sophisticated Footwork and Leg Techniques of Monkeys and Gorillas
- Wrestling Throws are Found in Shaolin Kungfu Too
- Real Fighting is Different from Martial Sports
- Who Says there is no Ground-Fighting in Shaolin Kungfu
- An Incredible Secret of One-Finger Zen
- Understanding Muay Thai Fighting Strategies and Techniques
- Various Strategies to Counter Muay Thai Fighters
- Responding to Muay Thai Attacks Spontaneously and Correctly
- Avoiding Opponent's Strength and Attacking his Weakness
- Effective Ways to Counter Sweeping Kicks
- Effective Counters against Knee and Elbow Strikes
- Crouching Tiger against Grab Neck Elbow Strike
- Shaolin Kungfu for Combat Efficiency, Good Health and Spiritual Development